Text2SQL Data Extractor (T2SDE) using Python & Open AI LLM

Today, I will share a new post that will contextualize the source files & then read the data into the pandas data frame, and then dynamically create the SQL & execute it. Then, fetch the data from the sources based on the query generated dynamically. This project is for the advanced Python developer and data Science Newbie.

In this post, I’ve directly subscribed to OpenAI & I’m not using OpenAI from Azure. However, I’ll explore that in the future as well.

Before I explain the process to invoke this new library, why not view the demo first & then discuss it?


Let us look at the flow diagram as it captures the sequence of events that unfold as part of the process.

The application will take the metadata captured from source data dynamically. It blends the metadata and enhances the prompt to pass to the Flask server. The Flask server has all the limits of contexts.

Once the application receives the correct generated SQL, it will then apply the SQL using the SQLAlchemy package to get the desired results.

The following are the important packages that are essential to this project –

pip install openai==1.6.1
pip install pandas==2.1.4
pip install Flask==3.0.0
pip install SQLAlchemy==2.0.23

We’ll have both the server and the main application. Today, we’ll be going in reverse mode. We first discuss the main script & then explain all the other class scripts.

  • 1_invokeSQLServer.py (This is the main calling Python script to invoke the OpenAI-Server.)

Please find some of the key snippet from this discussion –

@app.route('/message', methods=['POST'])
def message():
    input_text = request.json.get('input_text', None)
    session_id = request.json.get('session_id', None)

    print('*' * 240)
    print('User Input:')
    print('*' * 240)

    # Retrieve conversation history from the session or database
    conversation_history = session.get(session_id, [])

    # Add the new message to the conversation history

    # Call OpenAI API with the updated conversation
    response = client.with_options(max_retries=0).chat.completions.create(
                "role": "user",
                "content": input_text,

    # Extract the content from the first choice's message
    chat_response = response.choices[0].message.content
    print('*' * 240)
    print('*' * 240)


    # Store the updated conversation history in the session or database
    session[session_id] = conversation_history

    return chat_response

This code defines a web application route that handles POST requests sent to the /message endpoint:

  1. Route Declaration: The @app.route('/message', methods=['POST']) part specifies that the function message() is executed when the server receives a POST request at the /message URL.
  2. Function Definition: Inside the message() function:
    • It retrieves two pieces of data from the request’s JSON body: input_text (the user’s input message) and session_id (a unique identifier for the user’s session).
    • It prints the user’s input message, surrounded by lines of asterisks for emphasis.
  3. Conversation History Management:
    • The code retrieves the conversation history associated with the given session_id. This history is a list of messages.
    • It then adds the new user message (input_text) to this conversation history.
  4. OpenAI API Call:
    • The function makes a call to the OpenAI API, passing the user’s message. It specifies not to retry the request if it fails (max_retries=0).
    • The model used for the OpenAI API call is taken from some configurations (cf.conf['MODEL_NAME']).
  5. Processing API Response:
    • The response from the OpenAI API is processed to extract the content of the chat response.
    • This chat response is printed.
  6. Updating Conversation History:
    • The chat response is added to the conversation history.
    • The updated conversation history is then stored back in the session or database, associated with the session_id.
  7. Returning the Response: Finally, the function returns the chat response.

  • clsDynamicSQLProcess.py (This Python class generates the SQL & then executes the flask server to invoke the OpenAI-Server.)

Now, let us understand the few important piece of snippet –

def text2SQLBegin(self, DBFileNameList, fileDBPath, srcQueryPrompt, joinCond, debugInd='N'):

        question = srcQueryPrompt
        create_table_statement = ''
        jStr = ''

        print('DBFileNameList::', DBFileNameList)
        print('prevSessionDBFileNameList::', self.prevSessionDBFileNameList)

        if set(self.prevSessionDBFileNameList) == set(DBFileNameList):
            self.flag = 'Y'
            self.flag = 'N'

        if self.flag == 'N':

            for i in DBFileNameList:
                DBFileName = i

                FullDBname = fileDBPath + DBFileName
                print('File: ', str(FullDBname))

                tabName, _ = DBFileName.split('.')

                # Reading the source data
                df = pd.read_csv(FullDBname)

                # Convert all string columns to lowercase
                df = df.apply(lambda x: x.str.lower() if x.dtype == "object" else x)

                # Convert DataFrame to SQL table
                df.to_sql(tabName, con=engine, index=False)

                # Create a MetaData object and reflect the existing database
                metadata = MetaData()

                # Access the 'users' table from the reflected metadata
                table = metadata.tables[tabName]

                # Generate the CREATE TABLE statement
                create_table_statement = create_table_statement + str(CreateTable(table)) + '; \n'

                tabName = ''

            for joinS in joinCond:
                jStr = jStr + joinS + '\n'

            self.prevSessionDBFileNameList = DBFileNameList
            self.prev_create_table_statement = create_table_statement

            masterSessionDBFileNameList = self.prevSessionDBFileNameList
            mast_create_table_statement = self.prev_create_table_statement

            masterSessionDBFileNameList = self.prevSessionDBFileNameList
            mast_create_table_statement = self.prev_create_table_statement

        inputPrompt = (templateVal_1 + mast_create_table_statement + jStr + templateVal_2).format(question=question)

        if debugInd == 'Y':
            print('INPUT PROMPT::')

        print('*' * 240)
        print('Find the Generated SQL:')

        DBFileNameList = []
        create_table_statement = ''

        return inputPrompt
  1. Function Overview: The text2SQLBegin function processes a list of database file names (DBFileNameList), a file path (fileDBPath), a query prompt (srcQueryPrompt), join conditions (joinCond), and a debug indicator (debugInd) to generate SQL commands.
  2. Initial Setup: It starts by initializing variables for the question, the SQL table creation statement, and a string for join conditions.
  3. Debug Prints: The function prints the current and previous session database file names for debugging purposes.
  4. Flag Setting: A flag is set to ‘Y’ if the current session’s database file names match the previous session’s; otherwise, it’s set to ‘N’.
  5. Processing New Session Data: If the flag is ‘N’, indicating new session data:
    • For each database file, it reads the data, converts string columns to lowercase, and creates a corresponding SQL table in a database using the pandas library.
    • Metadata is generated for each table and a CREATE TABLE SQL statement is created.
  6. Join Conditions and Statement Aggregation: Join conditions are concatenated, and previous session information is updated with the current session’s data.
  7. Handling Repeated Sessions: If the session data is repeated (flag is ‘Y’), it uses the previous session’s SQL table creation statements and database file names.
  8. Final Input Prompt Creation: It constructs the final input prompt by combining template values with the create table statement, join conditions, and the original question.
  9. Debug Printing: If debug mode is enabled, it prints the final input prompt.
  10. Conclusion: The function clears the DBFileNameList and create_table_statement variables, and returns the constructed input prompt.
  def text2SQLEnd(self, srcContext, debugInd='N'):
      url = self.url

      payload = json.dumps({"input_text": srcContext,"session_id": ""})
      headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Cookie': cf.conf['HEADER_TOKEN']}

      response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

      return response.text

The text2SQLEnd function sends an HTTP POST request to a specified URL and returns the response. It takes two parameters: srcContext which contains the input text, and an optional debugInd for debugging purposes. The function constructs the request payload by converting the input text and an empty session ID to JSON format. It sets the request headers, including a content type of ‘application/json’ and a token from the configuration file. The function then sends the POST request using the requests library and returns the text content of the response.

  def sql2Data(self, srcSQL):
      # Executing the query on top of your data
      resultSQL = pd.read_sql_query(srcSQL, con=engine)

      return resultSQL

The sql2Data function is designed to execute a SQL query on a database and return the result. It takes a single parameter, srcSQL, which contains the SQL query to be executed. The function uses the pandas library to run the provided SQL query (srcSQL) against a database connection (engine). It then returns the result of this query, which is typically a DataFrame object containing the data retrieved from the database.

def genData(self, srcQueryPrompt, fileDBPath, DBFileNameList, joinCond, debugInd='N'):
        authorName = self.authorName
        website = self.website
        var = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

        print('*' * 240)
        print('SQL Start Time: ' + str(var))
        print('*' * 240)

        print('*' * 240)

        if debugInd == 'Y':
            print('Author Name: ', authorName)
            print('For more information, please visit the following Website: ', website)

            print('*' * 240)
        print('Your Data for Retrieval:')
        print('*' * 240)

        if debugInd == 'Y':

            print('Converted File to Dataframe Sample:')


        context = self.text2SQLBegin(DBFileNameList, fileDBPath, srcQueryPrompt, joinCond, debugInd)
        srcSQL = self.text2SQLEnd(context, debugInd)

        print('*' * 240)
        resDF = self.sql2Data(srcSQL)

        print('*' * 240)
        print('SQL End Time: ' + str(var))
        print('*' * 240)

        return resDF

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

        df = pd.DataFrame()

        return df
  1. Initialization and Debug Information: The function begins by initializing variables like authorName, website, and a timestamp (var). It then prints the start time of the SQL process. If the debug indicator (debugInd) is ‘Y’, it prints additional information like the author’s name and website.
  2. Generating SQL Context and Query: The function calls text2SQLBegin with various parameters (file paths, database file names, query prompt, join conditions, and the debug indicator) to generate an SQL context. Then it calls text2SQLEnd with this context and the debug indicator to generate the actual SQL query.
  3. Executing the SQL Query: It prints the generated SQL query for visibility, especially in debug mode. The query is then executed by calling sql2Data, which returns the result as a data frame (resDF).
  4. Finalization and Error Handling: After executing the query, it prints the SQL end time. In case of any exceptions during the process, it catches the error, prints it, and returns an empty DataFrame.
  5. Return Value: The function returns the DataFrame (resDF) containing the results of the executed SQL query. If an error occurs, it returns an empty DataFrame instead.

Let us explore the directory structure starting from the parent to some of the important child folder should look like this –

Let us understand the important screenshots of this entire process –

So, finally, we’ve done it.

You will get the complete codebase in the following GitHub link.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse. Please share & subscribe to my post & let me know your feedback.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂

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