Building a real-time Gen AI Improvement Matrices (GAIIM) using Python, UpTrain, Open AI & React

How does the RAG work better for various enterprise-level Gen AI use cases? What needs to be there to make the LLM model work more efficiently & able to check the response & validate their response, including the bias, hallucination & many more?

This is my post (after a slight GAP), which will capture and discuss some of the burning issues that many AI architects are trying to explore. In this post, I’ve considered a newly formed AI start-up from India, which developed an open-source framework that can easily evaluate all the challenges that one is facing with their LLMs & easily integrate with your existing models for better understanding including its limitations. You will get plenty of insights about it.

But, before we dig deep, why not see the demo first –

Isn’t it exciting? Let’s deep dive into the flow of events.

Let’s explore the broad-level architecture/flow –

Let us understand the steps of the above architecture. First, our Python application needs to trigger and enable the API, which will interact with the Open AI and UpTrain AI to fetch all the LLM KPIs based on the input from the React app named “Evaluation.”

Once the response is received from UpTrain AI, the Python application then organizes the results in a better readable manner without changing the core details coming out from their APIs & then shares that back with the react interface.

Let’s examine the react app’s sample inputs to better understand the input that will be passed to the Python-based API solution, which is wrapper capability to call multiple APIs from the UpTrain & then accumulate them under one response by parsing the data & reorganizing the data with the help of Open AI & sharing that back.

Highlighted in RED are some of the critical inputs you need to provide to get most of the KPIs. And, here are the sample text inputs for your reference –

Q. Enter input question.
A. What are the four largest moons of Jupiter?
Q. Enter the context document.
A. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, boasts a fascinating array of moons. Among these, the four largest are collectively known as the Galilean moons, named after the renowned astronomer Galileo Galilei, who first observed them in 1610. These four moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, hold significant scientific interest due to their unique characteristics and diverse geological features.
Q. Enter LLM response.
A. The four largest moons of Jupiter, known as the Galilean moons, are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Marshmello.
Q. Enter the persona response.
A. strict and methodical teacher
Q. Enter the guideline.
A. Response shouldn’t contain any specific numbers
Q. Enter the ground truth.
A. The Jupiter is the largest & gaseous planet in the solar system.
Q. Choose the evaluation method.
A. llm

Once you fill in the App should look like this –

Once you fill in, the app should look like the below screenshot –

Let us understand the sample packages that are required for this task.

pip install Flask==3.0.3
pip install Flask-Cors==4.0.0
pip install numpy==1.26.4
pip install openai==1.17.0
pip install pandas==2.2.2
pip install uptrain==0.6.13

Note that, we’re not going to discuss the entire script here. Only those parts are relevant. However, you can get the complete scripts in the GitHub repository.

def askFeluda(context, question):
        # Combine the context and the question into a single prompt.
        prompt_text = f"{context}\n\n Question: {question}\n Answer:"

        # Retrieve conversation history from the session or database
        conversation_history = []

        # Add the new message to the conversation history

        # Call OpenAI API with the updated conversation
        response = client.with_options(max_retries=0).chat.completions.create(
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": prompt_text,
            max_tokens=150,  # You can adjust this based on how long you expect the response to be
            temperature=0.3,  # Adjust for creativity. Lower values make responses more focused and deterministic

        # Extract the content from the first choice's message
        chat_response = response.choices[0].message.content

        # Print the generated response text
        return chat_response.strip()
    except Exception as e:
        return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}"

This function will ask the supplied questions with contexts or it will supply the UpTrain results to summarize the JSON into more easily readable plain texts. For our test, we’ve used “gpt-3.5-turbo”.

def evalContextRelevance(question, context, resFeluda, personaResponse):
        data = [{
            'question': question,
            'context': context,
            'response': resFeluda

        results = eval_llm.evaluate(

        return results
    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)

        return x

The above methods initiate the model from UpTrain to get all the stats, which will be helpful for your LLM response. In this post, we’ve captured the following KPIs –

- Context Relevance Explanation
- Factual Accuracy Explanation
- Guideline Adherence Explanation
- Response Completeness Explanation
- Response Fluency Explanation
- Response Relevance Explanation
- Response Tonality Explanation
# Function to extract and print all the keys and their values
def extractPrintedData(data):
    for entry in data:
        print("Parsed Data:")
        for key, value in entry.items():

            if key == 'score_context_relevance':
                s_1_key_val = value
            elif key == 'explanation_context_relevance':
                cleaned_value = preprocessParseData(value)
                print(f"{key}: {cleaned_value}\n")
                s_1_val = cleaned_value
            elif key == 'score_factual_accuracy':
                s_2_key_val = value
            elif key == 'explanation_factual_accuracy':
                cleaned_value = preprocessParseData(value)
                print(f"{key}: {cleaned_value}\n")
                s_2_val = cleaned_value
            elif key == 'score_response_completeness':
                s_3_key_val = value
            elif key == 'explanation_response_completeness':
                cleaned_value = preprocessParseData(value)
                print(f"{key}: {cleaned_value}\n")
                s_3_val = cleaned_value
            elif key == 'score_response_relevance':
                s_4_key_val = value
            elif key == 'explanation_response_relevance':
                cleaned_value = preprocessParseData(value)
                print(f"{key}: {cleaned_value}\n")
                s_4_val = cleaned_value
            elif key == 'score_critique_tone':
                s_5_key_val = value
            elif key == 'explanation_critique_tone':
                cleaned_value = preprocessParseData(value)
                print(f"{key}: {cleaned_value}\n")
                s_5_val = cleaned_value
            elif key == 'score_fluency':
                s_6_key_val = value
            elif key == 'explanation_fluency':
                cleaned_value = preprocessParseData(value)
                print(f"{key}: {cleaned_value}\n")
                s_6_val = cleaned_value
            elif key == 'score_valid_response':
                s_7_key_val = value
            elif key == 'score_response_conciseness':
                s_8_key_val = value
            elif key == 'explanation_response_conciseness':
                print('Raw Value: ', value)
                cleaned_value = preprocessParseData(value)
                print(f"{key}: {cleaned_value}\n")
                s_8_val = cleaned_value


    results = {
        "Factual_Accuracy_Score": s_2_key_val,
        "Factual_Accuracy_Explanation": s_2_val,
        "Context_Relevance_Score": s_1_key_val,
        "Context_Relevance_Explanation": s_1_val,
        "Response_Completeness_Score": s_3_key_val,
        "Response_Completeness_Explanation": s_3_val,
        "Response_Relevance_Score": s_4_key_val,
        "Response_Relevance_Explanation": s_4_val,
        "Response_Fluency_Score": s_6_key_val,
        "Response_Fluency_Explanation": s_6_val,
        "Response_Tonality_Score": s_5_key_val,
        "Response_Tonality_Explanation": s_5_val,
        "Guideline_Adherence_Score": s_8_key_val,
        "Guideline_Adherence_Explanation": s_8_val,
        "Response_Match_Score": s_7_key_val
        # Add other evaluations similarly

    return results

The above method parsed the initial data from UpTrain before sending it to OpenAI for a better summary without changing any text returned by it.

@app.route('/evaluate', methods=['POST'])
def evaluate():
    data = request.json

    if not data:
        return {jsonify({'error': 'No data provided'}), 400}

    # Extracting input data for processing (just an example of logging received data)
    question = data.get('question', '')
    context = data.get('context', '')
    llmResponse = ''
    personaResponse = data.get('personaResponse', '')
    guideline = data.get('guideline', '')
    groundTruth = data.get('groundTruth', '')
    evaluationMethod = data.get('evaluationMethod', '')


    llmResponse = askFeluda(context, question)
    print('Response from Feluda::')

    # Getting Context LLM
    cLLM = evalContextRelevance(question, context, llmResponse, personaResponse)


    results = extractPrintedData(cLLM)


    resJson = jsonify(results)

    return resJson

The above function is the main method, which first receives all the input parameters from the react app & then invokes one-by-one functions to get the LLM response, and LLM performance & finally summarizes them before sending it to react-app.

For any other scripts, please refer to the above-mentioned GitHub link.

Let us see some of the screenshots of the test run –

So, we’ve done it.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂

Creating popular apps using the Gen-AI models using prompt engineering, react, & python

In this post, I’ll be showing how to create a popular app by taking screenshots & right bits of prompt engineering by using Python & react.

Please wait for the post!

Building a real-time streamlit app by consuming events from Ably channels

I’ll bring an exciting streamlit app that will reflect the real-time dashboard by consuming all the events from the Ably channel.

One more time, I’ll be utilizing my IoT emulator that will feed the real-time events based on the user inputs to the Ably channel, which will be subscribed to by the Streamlit-based app.

However, I would like to share the run before we dig deep into this.


Isn’t this exciting? How we can use our custom-built IoT emulator & capture real-time events to Ably Queue, then transform those raw events into more meaningful KPIs? Let’s deep dive then.

Let’s explore the broad-level architecture/flow –

As you can see, the green box is a demo IoT application that generates events & pushes them into the Ably Queue. At the same time, the streamlit-based Dashboard app consumes the events & transforms them into more meaningful metrics.

Let us understand the sample packages that are required for this task.

pip install ably==2.0.3
pip install numpy==1.26.3
pip install pandas==2.2.0
pip install plotly==5.19.0
pip install requests==2.31.0
pip install streamlit==1.30.0
pip install streamlit-autorefresh==1.0.1
pip install streamlit-echarts==0.4.0

Since this is an extension to our previous post, we’re not going to discuss other scripts, which we’ve already discussed over there. Instead, we will talk about the enhanced scripts & the new scripts that are required for this use case.

1. (This script will consume real-time streaming data coming out from a hosted API source using another popular third-party service named Ably. Ably mimics the pub sub-streaming concept, which might be extremely useful for any start-up. This will then translate into many meaningful KPIs in a streamlit-based dashboard app.)

Note that, we’re not going to discuss the entire script here. Only those parts are relevant. However, you can get the complete scripts in the GitHub repository.

def createHumidityGauge(humidity_value):
    fig = go.Figure(go.Indicator(
        mode = "gauge+number",
        value = humidity_value,
        domain = {'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1]},
        title = {'text': "Humidity", 'font': {'size': 24}},
        gauge = {
            'axis': {'range': [None, 100], 'tickwidth': 1, 'tickcolor': "darkblue"},
            'bar': {'color': "darkblue"},
            'bgcolor': "white",
            'borderwidth': 2,
            'bordercolor': "gray",
            'steps': [
                {'range': [0, 50], 'color': 'cyan'},
                {'range': [50, 100], 'color': 'royalblue'}],
            'threshold': {
                'line': {'color': "red", 'width': 4},
                'thickness': 0.75,
                'value': humidity_value}

    fig.update_layout(height=220, paper_bgcolor = "white", font = {'color': "darkblue", 'family': "Arial"}, margin=dict(t=0, l=5, r=5, b=0))

    return fig

The above function creates a customized humidity gauge that visually represents a given humidity value, making it easy to read and understand at a glance.

This code defines a function createHumidityGauge that creates a visual gauge (like a meter) to display a humidity value. Here’s a simple breakdown of what it does:

  1. Function Definition: It starts by defining a function named createHumidityGauge that takes one parameter, humidity_value, which is the humidity level you want to display on the gauge.
  2. Creating the Gauge: Inside the function, it creates a figure using Plotly (a plotting library) with a specific type of chart called an Indicator. This Indicator is set to display in “gauge+number” mode, meaning it shows both a gauge visual and the numeric value of the humidity.
  3. Setting Gauge Properties:
    • The value is set to the humidity_value parameter, so the gauge shows this humidity level.
    • The domain sets the position of the gauge on the plot, which is set to fill the available space ([0, 1] for both x and y axes).
    • The title is set to “Humidity” with a font size of 24, labeling the gauge.
    • The gauge section defines the appearance and behavior of the gauge, including:
      • An axis that goes from 0 to 100 (assuming humidity is measured as a percentage from 0% to 100%).
      • The color and style of the gauge’s bar and background.
      • Colored steps indicating different ranges of humidity (cyan for 0-50% and royal blue for 50-100%).
      • A threshold line that appears at the value of the humidity, marked in red to stand out.
  4. Finalizing the Gauge Appearance: The function then updates the layout of the figure to set its height, background color, font style, and margins to make sure the gauge looks nice and is visible.
  5. Returning the Figure: Finally, the function returns the fig object, which is the fully configured gauge, ready to be displayed.

Other similar functions will repeat the same steps.

def createTemperatureLineChart(data):
    # Assuming 'data' is a DataFrame with a 'Timestamp' index and a 'Temperature' column
    fig = px.line(data, x=data.index, y='Temperature', title='Temperature Vs Time')
    fig.update_layout(height=270)  # Specify the desired height here
    return fig

The above function takes a set of temperature data indexed by timestamp and creates a line chart that visually represents how the temperature changes over time.

This code defines a function “createTemperatureLineChart” that creates a line chart to display temperature data over time. Here’s a simple summary of what it does:

  1. Function Definition: It starts with defining a function named createTemperatureLineChart that takes one parameter, data, which is expected to be a DataFrame (a type of data structure used in pandas, a Python data analysis library). This data frame should have a ‘Timestamp’ as its index (meaning each row represents a different point in time) and a ‘Temperature’ column containing temperature values.
  2. Creating the Line Chart: The function uses Plotly Express (a plotting library) to create a line chart with the following characteristics:
    • The x-axis represents time, taken from the DataFrame’s index (‘Timestamp’).
    • The y-axis represents temperature, taken from the ‘Temperature’ column in the DataFrame.
    • The chart is titled ‘Temperature Vs Time’, clearly indicating what the chart represents.
  3. Customizing the Chart: It then updates the layout of the chart to set a specific height (270 pixels) for the chart, making it easier to view.
  4. Returning the Chart: Finally, the function returns the fig object, which is the fully prepared line chart, ready to be displayed.

Similar functions will repeat for other KPIs.

    selected_kpis = st.sidebar.multiselect(
        "Select KPIs", options=["Temperature", "Humidity", "Pressure"], default=["Temperature"]

The above code will create a sidebar with drop-down lists, which will show the KPIs (“Temperature”, “Humidity”, “Pressure”).

# Split the layout into columns for KPIs and graphs
    gauge_col, kpi_col, graph_col = st.columns(3)

    # Auto-refresh setup
    st_autorefresh(interval=7000, key='data_refresh')

    # Fetching real-time data
    data = getData(var1, DInd)

        .stEcharts { margin-bottom: -50px; }  /* Class might differ, inspect the HTML to find the correct class name */

    # Display gauges at the top of the page
    gauges = st.container()

    with gauges:
        col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
        with col1:
            humidity_value = round(data['Humidity'].iloc[-1], 2)
            humidity_gauge_fig = createHumidityGauge(humidity_value)
            st.plotly_chart(humidity_gauge_fig, use_container_width=True)

        with col2:
            temp_value = round(data['Temperature'].iloc[-1], 2)
            temp_gauge_fig = createTempGauge(temp_value)
            st.plotly_chart(temp_gauge_fig, use_container_width=True)

        with col3:
            pressure_value = round(data['Pressure'].iloc[-1], 2)
            pressure_gauge_fig = createPressureGauge(pressure_value)
            st.plotly_chart(pressure_gauge_fig, use_container_width=True)

    # Next row for actual readings and charts side-by-side
    readings_charts = st.container()

    # Display KPIs and their trends
    with readings_charts:
        readings_col, graph_col = st.columns([1, 2])

        with readings_col:
            st.subheader("Latest Readings")
            if "Temperature" in selected_kpis:
                st.metric("Temperature", f"{temp_value:.2f}%")

            if "Humidity" in selected_kpis:
                st.metric("Humidity", f"{humidity_value:.2f}%")

            if "Pressure" in selected_kpis:
                st.metric("Pressure", f"{pressure_value:.2f}%")

        # Graph placeholders for each KPI
        with graph_col:
            if "Temperature" in selected_kpis:
                temperature_fig = createTemperatureLineChart(data.set_index("Timestamp"))

                # Display the Plotly chart in Streamlit with specified dimensions
                st.plotly_chart(temperature_fig, use_container_width=True)

            if "Humidity" in selected_kpis:
                humidity_fig = createHumidityLineChart(data.set_index("Timestamp"))

                # Display the Plotly chart in Streamlit with specified dimensions
                st.plotly_chart(humidity_fig, use_container_width=True)

            if "Pressure" in selected_kpis:
                pressure_fig = createPressureLineChart(data.set_index("Timestamp"))

                # Display the Plotly chart in Streamlit with specified dimensions
                st.plotly_chart(pressure_fig, use_container_width=True)
  1. The code begins by splitting the Streamlit web page layout into three columns to separately display Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), gauges, and graphs.
  2. It sets up an auto-refresh feature with a 7-second interval, ensuring the data displayed is regularly updated without manual refreshes.
  3. Real-time data is fetched using a function called getData, which takes unspecified parameters var1 and DInd.
  4. A CSS style is injected into the Streamlit page to adjust the margin of Echarts elements, which may be used to improve the visual layout of the page.
  5. A container for gauges is created at the top of the page, with three columns inside it dedicated to displaying humidity, temperature, and pressure gauges.
  6. Each gauge (humidity, temperature, and pressure) is created by rounding the last value from the fetched data to two decimal places and then visualized using respective functions that create Plotly gauge charts.
  7. Below the gauges, another container is set up for displaying the latest readings and their corresponding graphs in a side-by-side layout, using two columns.
  8. The left column under “Latest Readings” displays the latest values for selected KPIs (temperature, humidity, pressure) as metrics.
  9. In the right column, for each selected KPI, a line chart is created using data with timestamps as indices and displayed using Plotly charts, allowing for a visual trend analysis.
  10. This structured approach enables a dynamic and interactive dashboard within Streamlit, offering real-time insights into temperature, humidity, and pressure with both numeric metrics and graphical trends, optimized for regular data refreshes and user interactivity.

Let us understand some of the important screenshots of this application –

So, we’ve done it.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂

Navigating the Future of Work: Insights from the Argyle AI Summit

At the recent Argyle AI Summit, a prestigious event in the AI industry, I had the honor of participating as a speaker alongside esteemed professionals like Misha Leybovich from Google Labs. The summit, coordinated by Sylvia Das Chagas, a former senior AI conversation designer at CVS Health, provided an enlightening platform to discuss the evolving role of AI in talent management. Our session focused on the theme “Driving Talent with AI,” addressing some of the most pressing questions in the field. Frequently, relevant use cases were shared in detail to support these threads.

To view the actual page, please click the following link.

One of the critical topics we explored was AI’s impact on talent management in the upcoming year. AI’s influence in hiring and retention is becoming increasingly significant. For example, AI-powered tools can now analyze vast amounts of data to identify the best candidates for a role, going beyond traditional resume screening. In retention, AI is instrumental in identifying patterns that indicate an employee’s likelihood to leave, enabling proactive measures.

A burning question in AI is how leaders address fears that AI might replace manual jobs. We discussed the importance of leaders framing AI as a complement to human skills rather than a replacement. AI enhances employee capabilities by automating mundane tasks, allowing employees to focus on more creative and strategic work.

Regarding new AI tools that organizations should watch out for, the conversation highlighted tools that enhance remote collaboration and workplace inclusivity. Tools like virtual meeting assistants that can transcribe, translate, and summarize meetings in real time are becoming invaluable in today’s global work environment.

AI’s role in boosting employee motivation and productivity was another focal point. We discussed how AI-driven career development programs can offer personalized learning paths, helping employees grow and stay motivated.

Incorporating multiple languages in tools like ChatGPT was highlighted as a critical step towards inclusivity. This expansion allows a broader range of employees to interact with AI tools in their native language, fostering a more inclusive workplace environment.

Lastly, we tackled the challenge of addressing employees’ reluctance to change. Emphasizing the importance of transparent communication and education about AI’s benefits was identified as key. Organizations can alleviate fears and encourage a more accepting attitude towards AI by involving employees in the AI implementation process and providing training.

The Argyle AI Summit offered a compelling glimpse into the future of AI in talent management. The session provided valuable insights for leaders looking to harness AI’s potential to enhance talent management strategies by discussing real-world examples and strategies. To gain more in-depth knowledge and perspectives shared during this summit, I encourage interested parties to visit the recorded session link for a more comprehensive understanding.

Or, you can directly view it from here –

I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the insights shared during the summit. Your thoughts and perspectives are invaluable as we continue to explore and navigate the evolving landscape of AI in the workplace.

Text2SQL Data Extractor (T2SDE) using Python & Open AI LLM

Today, I will share a new post that will contextualize the source files & then read the data into the pandas data frame, and then dynamically create the SQL & execute it. Then, fetch the data from the sources based on the query generated dynamically. This project is for the advanced Python developer and data Science Newbie.

In this post, I’ve directly subscribed to OpenAI & I’m not using OpenAI from Azure. However, I’ll explore that in the future as well.

Before I explain the process to invoke this new library, why not view the demo first & then discuss it?


Let us look at the flow diagram as it captures the sequence of events that unfold as part of the process.

The application will take the metadata captured from source data dynamically. It blends the metadata and enhances the prompt to pass to the Flask server. The Flask server has all the limits of contexts.

Once the application receives the correct generated SQL, it will then apply the SQL using the SQLAlchemy package to get the desired results.

The following are the important packages that are essential to this project –

pip install openai==1.6.1
pip install pandas==2.1.4
pip install Flask==3.0.0
pip install SQLAlchemy==2.0.23

We’ll have both the server and the main application. Today, we’ll be going in reverse mode. We first discuss the main script & then explain all the other class scripts.

  • (This is the main calling Python script to invoke the OpenAI-Server.)

Please find some of the key snippet from this discussion –

@app.route('/message', methods=['POST'])
def message():
    input_text = request.json.get('input_text', None)
    session_id = request.json.get('session_id', None)

    print('*' * 240)
    print('User Input:')
    print('*' * 240)

    # Retrieve conversation history from the session or database
    conversation_history = session.get(session_id, [])

    # Add the new message to the conversation history

    # Call OpenAI API with the updated conversation
    response = client.with_options(max_retries=0).chat.completions.create(
                "role": "user",
                "content": input_text,

    # Extract the content from the first choice's message
    chat_response = response.choices[0].message.content
    print('*' * 240)
    print('*' * 240)


    # Store the updated conversation history in the session or database
    session[session_id] = conversation_history

    return chat_response

This code defines a web application route that handles POST requests sent to the /message endpoint:

  1. Route Declaration: The @app.route('/message', methods=['POST']) part specifies that the function message() is executed when the server receives a POST request at the /message URL.
  2. Function Definition: Inside the message() function:
    • It retrieves two pieces of data from the request’s JSON body: input_text (the user’s input message) and session_id (a unique identifier for the user’s session).
    • It prints the user’s input message, surrounded by lines of asterisks for emphasis.
  3. Conversation History Management:
    • The code retrieves the conversation history associated with the given session_id. This history is a list of messages.
    • It then adds the new user message (input_text) to this conversation history.
  4. OpenAI API Call:
    • The function makes a call to the OpenAI API, passing the user’s message. It specifies not to retry the request if it fails (max_retries=0).
    • The model used for the OpenAI API call is taken from some configurations (cf.conf['MODEL_NAME']).
  5. Processing API Response:
    • The response from the OpenAI API is processed to extract the content of the chat response.
    • This chat response is printed.
  6. Updating Conversation History:
    • The chat response is added to the conversation history.
    • The updated conversation history is then stored back in the session or database, associated with the session_id.
  7. Returning the Response: Finally, the function returns the chat response.

  • (This Python class generates the SQL & then executes the flask server to invoke the OpenAI-Server.)

Now, let us understand the few important piece of snippet –

def text2SQLBegin(self, DBFileNameList, fileDBPath, srcQueryPrompt, joinCond, debugInd='N'):

        question = srcQueryPrompt
        create_table_statement = ''
        jStr = ''

        print('DBFileNameList::', DBFileNameList)
        print('prevSessionDBFileNameList::', self.prevSessionDBFileNameList)

        if set(self.prevSessionDBFileNameList) == set(DBFileNameList):
            self.flag = 'Y'
            self.flag = 'N'

        if self.flag == 'N':

            for i in DBFileNameList:
                DBFileName = i

                FullDBname = fileDBPath + DBFileName
                print('File: ', str(FullDBname))

                tabName, _ = DBFileName.split('.')

                # Reading the source data
                df = pd.read_csv(FullDBname)

                # Convert all string columns to lowercase
                df = df.apply(lambda x: x.str.lower() if x.dtype == "object" else x)

                # Convert DataFrame to SQL table
                df.to_sql(tabName, con=engine, index=False)

                # Create a MetaData object and reflect the existing database
                metadata = MetaData()

                # Access the 'users' table from the reflected metadata
                table = metadata.tables[tabName]

                # Generate the CREATE TABLE statement
                create_table_statement = create_table_statement + str(CreateTable(table)) + '; \n'

                tabName = ''

            for joinS in joinCond:
                jStr = jStr + joinS + '\n'

            self.prevSessionDBFileNameList = DBFileNameList
            self.prev_create_table_statement = create_table_statement

            masterSessionDBFileNameList = self.prevSessionDBFileNameList
            mast_create_table_statement = self.prev_create_table_statement

            masterSessionDBFileNameList = self.prevSessionDBFileNameList
            mast_create_table_statement = self.prev_create_table_statement

        inputPrompt = (templateVal_1 + mast_create_table_statement + jStr + templateVal_2).format(question=question)

        if debugInd == 'Y':
            print('INPUT PROMPT::')

        print('*' * 240)
        print('Find the Generated SQL:')

        DBFileNameList = []
        create_table_statement = ''

        return inputPrompt
  1. Function Overview: The text2SQLBegin function processes a list of database file names (DBFileNameList), a file path (fileDBPath), a query prompt (srcQueryPrompt), join conditions (joinCond), and a debug indicator (debugInd) to generate SQL commands.
  2. Initial Setup: It starts by initializing variables for the question, the SQL table creation statement, and a string for join conditions.
  3. Debug Prints: The function prints the current and previous session database file names for debugging purposes.
  4. Flag Setting: A flag is set to ‘Y’ if the current session’s database file names match the previous session’s; otherwise, it’s set to ‘N’.
  5. Processing New Session Data: If the flag is ‘N’, indicating new session data:
    • For each database file, it reads the data, converts string columns to lowercase, and creates a corresponding SQL table in a database using the pandas library.
    • Metadata is generated for each table and a CREATE TABLE SQL statement is created.
  6. Join Conditions and Statement Aggregation: Join conditions are concatenated, and previous session information is updated with the current session’s data.
  7. Handling Repeated Sessions: If the session data is repeated (flag is ‘Y’), it uses the previous session’s SQL table creation statements and database file names.
  8. Final Input Prompt Creation: It constructs the final input prompt by combining template values with the create table statement, join conditions, and the original question.
  9. Debug Printing: If debug mode is enabled, it prints the final input prompt.
  10. Conclusion: The function clears the DBFileNameList and create_table_statement variables, and returns the constructed input prompt.
  def text2SQLEnd(self, srcContext, debugInd='N'):
      url = self.url

      payload = json.dumps({"input_text": srcContext,"session_id": ""})
      headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Cookie': cf.conf['HEADER_TOKEN']}

      response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

      return response.text

The text2SQLEnd function sends an HTTP POST request to a specified URL and returns the response. It takes two parameters: srcContext which contains the input text, and an optional debugInd for debugging purposes. The function constructs the request payload by converting the input text and an empty session ID to JSON format. It sets the request headers, including a content type of ‘application/json’ and a token from the configuration file. The function then sends the POST request using the requests library and returns the text content of the response.

  def sql2Data(self, srcSQL):
      # Executing the query on top of your data
      resultSQL = pd.read_sql_query(srcSQL, con=engine)

      return resultSQL

The sql2Data function is designed to execute a SQL query on a database and return the result. It takes a single parameter, srcSQL, which contains the SQL query to be executed. The function uses the pandas library to run the provided SQL query (srcSQL) against a database connection (engine). It then returns the result of this query, which is typically a DataFrame object containing the data retrieved from the database.

def genData(self, srcQueryPrompt, fileDBPath, DBFileNameList, joinCond, debugInd='N'):
        authorName = self.authorName
        website =
        var ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

        print('*' * 240)
        print('SQL Start Time: ' + str(var))
        print('*' * 240)

        print('*' * 240)

        if debugInd == 'Y':
            print('Author Name: ', authorName)
            print('For more information, please visit the following Website: ', website)

            print('*' * 240)
        print('Your Data for Retrieval:')
        print('*' * 240)

        if debugInd == 'Y':

            print('Converted File to Dataframe Sample:')


        context = self.text2SQLBegin(DBFileNameList, fileDBPath, srcQueryPrompt, joinCond, debugInd)
        srcSQL = self.text2SQLEnd(context, debugInd)

        print('*' * 240)
        resDF = self.sql2Data(srcSQL)

        print('*' * 240)
        print('SQL End Time: ' + str(var))
        print('*' * 240)

        return resDF

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

        df = pd.DataFrame()

        return df
  1. Initialization and Debug Information: The function begins by initializing variables like authorName, website, and a timestamp (var). It then prints the start time of the SQL process. If the debug indicator (debugInd) is ‘Y’, it prints additional information like the author’s name and website.
  2. Generating SQL Context and Query: The function calls text2SQLBegin with various parameters (file paths, database file names, query prompt, join conditions, and the debug indicator) to generate an SQL context. Then it calls text2SQLEnd with this context and the debug indicator to generate the actual SQL query.
  3. Executing the SQL Query: It prints the generated SQL query for visibility, especially in debug mode. The query is then executed by calling sql2Data, which returns the result as a data frame (resDF).
  4. Finalization and Error Handling: After executing the query, it prints the SQL end time. In case of any exceptions during the process, it catches the error, prints it, and returns an empty DataFrame.
  5. Return Value: The function returns the DataFrame (resDF) containing the results of the executed SQL query. If an error occurs, it returns an empty DataFrame instead.

Let us explore the directory structure starting from the parent to some of the important child folder should look like this –

Let us understand the important screenshots of this entire process –

So, finally, we’ve done it.

You will get the complete codebase in the following GitHub link.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse. Please share & subscribe to my post & let me know your feedback.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂

Validating source data against RAG-response using Open AI, GloVe, FAISS using Python

Today, I’ll be presenting another exciting capability of architecture in the world of LLMs, where you need to answer one crucial point & that is how valid the response generated by these LLMs is against your data. This response is critical when discussing business growth & need to take the right action at the right time.

Why not view the demo before going through it?


Isn’t it exciting? Great! Let us understand this in detail.

The first dotted box (extreme-left) represents the area that talks about the data ingestion from different sources, including third-party PDFs. It is expected that organizations should have ready-to-digest data sources. Examples: Data Lake, Data Mart, One Lake, or any other equivalent platforms. Those PDFs will provide additional insights beyond the conventional advanced analytics.

You need to have some kind of OCR solution that will extract all the relevant information in the form of text from the documents. 

The next important part is how you define the chunking & embedding of data chunks into Vector DB. Chunking & indexing strategies, along with the overlapping chain, play a crucial importance in tying that segregated piece of context into a single context that will be fed into the source for your preferred LLMs.

This system employs a vector similarity search to browse through unstructured information and concurrently accesses the database to retrieve the context, ensuring that the responses are not only comprehensive but also anchored in validated knowledge.

This approach is particularly vital for addressing multi-hop questions, where a single query can be broken down into multiple sub-questions and may require information from numerous documents to generate an accurate answer.

pip install openai==0.27.8
pip install pandas==2.0.3
pip install tensorflow==2.11.1
pip install faiss-cpu==1.7.4
pip install gensim==4.3.2

Let us understand the key class & snippets.

  • (This is the main class that will invoke the Faiss framework to contextualize the docs inside the vector DB with the source file name to validate the answer from Gen AI using Globe.6B embedding models.)

Let us understand some of the key snippets from the above script (Full scripts will be available in the GitHub Repo) –

# Sample function to convert text to a vector
def text2Vector(self, text):
    # Encode the text using the tokenizer
    words = [word for word in text.lower().split() if word in self.model]

    # If no words in the model, return a zero vector
    if not words:
        return np.zeros(self.model.vector_size)

    # Compute the average of the word vectors
    vector = np.mean([self.model[word] for word in words], axis=0)
    return vector.reshape(1, -1)

This code is for a function called “text2Vector” that takes some text as input and converts it into a numerical vector. Let me break it down step by step:

  • It starts by taking some text as input, and this text is expected to be a sentence or a piece of text.
  • The text is then split into individual words, and each word is converted to lowercase.
  • It checks if each word is present in a pre-trained language model (probably a word embedding model like Word2Vec or GloVe). If a word is not in the model, it’s ignored.
  • If none of the words from the input text are found in the model, the function returns a vector filled with zeros. This vector has the same size as the word vectors in the model.
  • If there are words from the input text in the model, the function calculates the average vector of these words. It does this by taking the word vectors for each word found in the model and computing their mean (average). This results in a single vector that represents the input text.
  • Finally, the function reshapes this vector into a 2D array with one row and as many columns as there are elements in the vector. The reason for this reshaping is often related to compatibility with other parts of the code or libraries used in the project.

So, in simple terms, this function takes a piece of text, looks up the word vectors for the words in that text, and calculates the average of those vectors to create a single numerical representation of the text. If none of the words are found in the model, it returns a vector of zeros.

    def genData(self):
            basePath = self.basePath
            modelFileName = self.modelFileName
            vectorDBPath = self.vectorDBPath
            vectorDBFileName = self.vectorDBFileName

            # Create a FAISS index
            dimension = int(cf.conf['NO_OF_MODEL_DIM'])  # Assuming 100-dimensional vectors 
            index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension)

            print('*' * 240)
            print('Vector Index Your Data for Retrieval:')
            print('*' * 240)

            FullVectorDBname = vectorDBPath + vectorDBFileName
            indexFile = str(vectorDBPath) + str(vectorDBFileName) + '.index'

            print('File: ', str(indexFile))

            data = {}
            # List all files in the specified directory
            files = os.listdir(basePath)

            # Filter out files that are not text files
            text_files = [file for file in files if file.endswith('.txt')]

            # Read each text file
            for file in text_files:
                file_path = os.path.join(basePath, file)
                print('*' * 240)
                print('Processing File:')
                    # Attempt to open with utf-8 encoding
                    with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
                        for line_number, line in enumerate(file, start=1):
                            # Assume each line is a separate document
                            vector = self.text2Vector(line)
                            vector = vector.reshape(-1)
                            index_id = index.ntotal

                            index.add(np.array([vector]))  # Adding the vector to the index
                            data[index_id] = {'text': line, 'line_number': line_number, 'file_name': file_path}  # Storing the line and file name
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    # If utf-8 fails, try a different encoding
                        with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1') as file:
                            for line_number, line in enumerate(file, start=1):
                                # Assume each line is a separate document
                                vector = self.text2Vector(line)
                                vector = vector.reshape(-1)
                                index_id = index.ntotal
                                index.add(np.array([vector]))  # Adding the vector to the index
                                data[index_id] = {'text': line, 'line_number': line_number, 'file_name': file_path}  # Storing the line and file name
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"Could not read file {file}: {e}")

                print('*' * 240)

            # Save the data dictionary using pickle
            dataCache = vectorDBPath + modelFileName
            with open(dataCache, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(data, f)

            # Save the index and data for later use
            faiss.write_index(index, indexFile)

            print('*' * 240)

            return 0

        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)

            return 1
  • This code defines a function called genData, and its purpose is to prepare and store data for later retrieval using a FAISS index. Let’s break down what it does step by step:
  • It starts by assigning several variables, such as basePath, modelFileName, vectorDBPath, and vectorDBFileName. These variables likely contain file paths and configuration settings.
  • It creates a FAISS index with a specified dimension (assuming 100-dimensional vectors in this case) using faiss.IndexFlatL2. FAISS is a library for efficient similarity search and clustering of high-dimensional data.
  • It prints the file name and lines where the index will be stored. It initializes an empty dictionary called data to store information about the processed text data.
  • It lists all the files in a directory specified by basePath. It filters out only the files that have a “.txt” extension as text files.
  • It then reads each of these text files one by one. For each file:
  1. It attempts to open the file with UTF-8 encoding.
    • It reads the file line by line.
    • For each line, it calls a function text2Vector to convert the text into a numerical vector representation. This vector is added to the FAISS index.
    • It also stores some information about the line, such as the line number and the file name, in the data dictionary.
    • If there is an issue with UTF-8 encoding, it tries to open the file with a different encoding, “ISO-8859-1”. The same process of reading and storing data continues.
  • If there are any exceptions (errors) during this process, it prints an error message but continues processing other files.
  • Once all the files are processed, it saves the data dictionary using the pickle library to a file specified by dataCache.
  • It also saves the FAISS index to a file specified by indexFile.
  • Finally, it returns 0 if the process completes successfully or 1 if there was an error during execution.

In summary, this function reads text files, converts their contents into numerical vectors, and builds a FAISS index for efficient similarity search. It also saves the processed data and the index for later use. If there are any issues during the process, it prints error messages but continues processing other files.

  • (This is the main class that will invoke the RAG class, which will get the contexts with references including source files, line numbers, and source texts. This will help the customer to validate the source against the OpenAI response to understand & control the data bias & other potential critical issues.)

Let us understand some of the key snippets from the above script (Full scripts will be available in the GitHub Repo) –

def ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3(self, queryVector, k, question):
    modelName = self.modelName
    maxToken = self.maxToken
    temp = self.temp

    # Assuming getTopKContexts is a method that returns the top K contexts
    contexts = self.getTopKContexts(queryVector, k)
    messages = []

    # Add contexts as system messages
    for file_name, line_number, text in contexts:
        messages.append({"role": "system", "content": f"Document: {file_name} \nLine Number: {line_number} \nContent: {text}"})

    prompt = self.generateOpenaiPrompt(queryVector, k)
    prompt = prompt + "Question: " + str(question) + ". \n Answer based on the above documents."

    # Add user question
    messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})

    # Create chat completion
    completion =
    temperature = temp,
    max_tokens = maxToken

    # Assuming the last message in the response is the answer
    last_response = completion.choices[0].message.content
    source_refernces = ['FileName: ' + str(context[0]) + ' - Line Numbers: ' + str(context[1]) + ' - Source Text (Reference): ' + str(context[2]) for context in contexts]

    return last_response, source_refernces
  • This code defines a function called ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3. Its purpose is to use a combination of the Haystack search method and OpenAI’s GPT-3 model to generate an answer to a user’s question. Let’s break down what it does step by step:
  • It starts by assigning several variables, such as modelName, maxToken, and temp. These variables likely contain model-specific information and settings for GPT-3.
  • It calls a method getTopKContexts to retrieve the top K contexts (which are likely documents or pieces of text) related to the user’s query. These contexts are stored in the contexts variable.
  • It initializes an empty list called messages to store messages that will be used in the conversation with the GPT-3 model.
  • It iterates through each context and adds them as system messages to the messages list. These system messages provide information about the documents or sources being used in the conversation.
  • It creates a prompt that combines the query, retrieved contexts, and the user’s question. This prompt is then added as a user message to the messages list. It effectively sets up the conversation for GPT-3, where the user’s question is followed by context.
  • It makes a request to the GPT-3 model using the method, passing in the model name, the constructed messages, and other settings such as temperature and maximum tokens.
  • After receiving a response from GPT-3, it assumes that the last message in the response contains the answer generated by the model.
  • It also constructs source_references, which is a list of references to the documents or sources used in generating the answer. This information includes the file name, line numbers, and source text for each context.
  • Finally, it returns the generated answer (last_response) and the source references to the caller.

In summary, this function takes a user’s query, retrieves relevant contexts or documents, sets up a conversation with GPT-3 that includes the query and contexts, and then uses GPT-3 to generate an answer. It also provides references to the sources used in generating the answer.

    def getTopKContexts(self, queryVector, k):
            distances, indices =, k)
            resDict = [(data[i]['file_name'], data[i]['line_number'], data[i]['text']) for i in indices[0]]
            return resDict
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)

            return x

This code defines a function called getTopKContexts. Its purpose is to retrieve the top K relevant contexts or pieces of information from a pre-built index based on a query vector. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:

  1. It takes two parameters as input: queryVector, which is a numerical vector representing a query, and k, which specifies how many relevant contexts to retrieve.
  2. Inside a try-except block, it attempts the following steps:
    • It uses the method to find the top K closest contexts to the given queryVector. This method returns two arrays: distances (measuring how similar the contexts are to the query) and indices (indicating the positions of the closest contexts in the data).
    • It creates a list called “resDict", which contains tuples for each of the top K contexts. Each tuple contains three pieces of information: the file name (file_name), the line number (line_number), and the text content (text) of the context. These details are extracted from a data dictionary.
  3. If the process completes successfully, it returns the list of top K contexts (resDict) to the caller.
  4. If there’s an exception (an error) during this process, it captures the error message as a string (x), prints the error message, and then returns the error message itself.

In summary, this function takes a query vector and finds the K most relevant contexts or pieces of information based on their similarity to the query. It returns these contexts as a list of tuples containing file names, line numbers, and text content. If there’s an error, it prints an error message and returns the error message string.

def generateOpenaiPrompt(self, queryVector, k):
    contexts = self.getTopKContexts(queryVector, k)
    template = ct.templateVal_1
    prompt = template
    for file_name, line_number, text in contexts:
        prompt += f"Document: {file_name}\n Line Number: {line_number} \n Content: {text}\n\n"
    return prompt

This code defines a function called generateOpenaiPrompt. Its purpose is to create a prompt or a piece of text that combines a template with information from the top K relevant contexts retrieved earlier. Let’s break down what it does:

  1. It starts by calling the getTopKContexts function to obtain the top K relevant contexts based on a given queryVector.
  2. It initializes a variable called template with a predefined template value (likely defined elsewhere in the code).
  3. It sets the prompt variable to the initial template.
  4. Then, it enters a loop where it iterates through each of the relevant contexts retrieved earlier (contexts are typically documents or text snippets).
  5. For each context, it appends information to the prompt. Specifically, it adds lines to the prompt that include:
    • The document’s file name (Document: [file_name]).
    • The line number within the document (Line Number: [line_number]).
    • The content of the context itself (Content: [text]).
  6. It adds some extra spacing (newlines) between each context to ensure readability.
  7. Finally, it returns the complete – prompt, which is a combination of the template and information from the relevant contexts.

In summary, this function takes a query vector, retrieves relevant contexts, and creates a prompt by combining a template with information from these contexts. This prompt can then be used as input for an AI model or system, likely for generating responses or answers based on the provided context.

Let us understand the directory structure of this entire application –

To learn more about this package, please visit the following GitHub link.

So, finally, we’ve done it. I know that this post is relatively smaller than my earlier post. But, I think, you can get a good hack to improve some of your long-running jobs by applying this trick.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse. Please share & subscribe to my post & let me know your feedback.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂

Exploring the new Polars library in Python

Today, I will present some valid Python packages where you can explore most of the complex SQLs by using this new package named “Polars,” which can be extremely handy on many occasions.

This post will be short posts where I’ll prepare something new on LLMs for the upcoming posts for the next month.

Why not view the demo before going through it?

pip install polars
pip install pandas

Let us understand the key class & snippets.

  • (Key entries that will be discussed later)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                 ####
#### Written On:  15-May-2020               ####
#### Modified On: 28-Oct-2023               ####
####                                        ####
#### Objective: This script is a config     ####
#### file, contains all the keys for        ####
#### personal OpenAI-based MAC-shortcuts    ####
#### enable bot.                            ####
####                                        ####

import os
import platform as pl

class clsConfigClient(object):
    Curr_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    os_det = pl.system()
    if os_det == "Windows":
        sep = '\\'
        sep = '/'

    conf = {
        'APP_ID': 1,
        'ARCH_DIR': Curr_Path + sep + 'arch' + sep,
        'LOG_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'log' + sep,
        'DATA_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'data' + sep,
        'TEMP_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'temp' + sep,
        'OUTPUT_DIR': 'model',
        'APP_DESC_1': 'Polars Demo!',
        'DEBUG_IND': 'Y',
        'INIT_PATH': Curr_Path,
        'TITLE': "Polars Demo!",
        'PATH' : Curr_Path,
        'OUT_DIR': 'data',
        'MERGED_FILE': 'mergedFile.csv',
        'ACCT_FILE': 'AccountAddress.csv',
        'ORDER_FILE': 'Orders.csv',
        'CUSTOMER_FILE': 'CustomerDetails.csv',
        'STATE_CITY_WISE_REPORT_FILE': 'StateCityWiseReport.csv'
  • (Main class file that contains how to use the SQL)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                      ####
#### Written On: 27-May-2023                     ####
#### Modified On 28-Oct-2023                     ####
####                                             ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling         ####
#### python class that will invoke the           ####
#### Polar class, which will enable SQL          ####
#### capabilitites.                              ####
####                                             ####

import polars as pl
import os
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import pandas as p

###           Global Section                ###

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

###    End of Global Section                ###

class clsSQL:
    def __init__(self):
        self.acctFile = cf.conf['ACCT_FILE']
        self.orderFile = cf.conf['ORDER_FILE']
        self.stateWiseReport = cf.conf['STATE_CITY_WISE_REPORT_FILE']
        self.custFile = cf.conf['CUSTOMER_FILE']
        self.dataPath = cf.conf['DATA_PATH']

    def execSQL(self):
            dataPath = self.dataPath
            acctFile = self.acctFile
            orderFile = self.orderFile
            stateWiseReport = self.stateWiseReport
            custFile = self.custFile

            fullAcctFile = dataPath + acctFile
            fullOrderFile = dataPath + orderFile
            fullStateWiseReportFile = dataPath + stateWiseReport
            fullCustomerFile = dataPath + custFile

            ctx = pl.SQLContext(accountMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullAcctFile),
            orderMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullOrderFile),
            stateMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullStateWiseReportFile))

            querySQL = """
            SELECT orderMaster.order_id,
            COUNT(*) TotalCount
            FROM orderMaster
            JOIN stateMaster USING (city)
            JOIN accountMaster USING (user_id)
            ORDER BY stateMaster.state

            res = ctx.execute(querySQL, eager=True)
            res_Pandas = res.to_pandas()


            ctx_1 = pl.SQLContext(customerMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullCustomerFile),

            querySQL_1 = """
            SELECT tempMaster.order_id,
            COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state ORDER BY tempMaster.state, tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) StateWiseCount,
            MAX(tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state ORDER BY tempMaster.state, tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) MaxAccountByState,
            MIN(tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state ORDER BY tempMaster.state, tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) MinAccountByState,
            CASE WHEN < 70 THEN 'SILVER' ELSE 'GOLD' END CategoryStat,
            SUM(customerMaster.Balance) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state) SumBalance
            FROM tempMaster
            JOIN customerMaster USING (user_id)
            ORDER BY tempMaster.state

            res_1 = ctx_1.execute(querySQL_1, eager=True)

            finDF = res_1.to_pandas()

            print('Result 2:')

            return 0
        except Exception as e:
            discussedTopic = []
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)

            return 1

If we go through some of the key lines, we will understand how this entire package works.

But, before that, let us understand the source data –

Let us understand the steps –

  1. Join orderMaster, stateMaster & accountMaster and fetch the selected attributes. Store this in a temporary data frame named tempMaster.
  2. Join tempMaster & customerMaster and fetch the relevant attributes with some more aggregation, which is required for the business KPIs.
ctx = pl.SQLContext(accountMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullAcctFile),
orderMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullOrderFile),
stateMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullStateWiseReportFile))

The above method will create three temporary tables by reading the source files – AccountAddress.csv, Orders.csv & StateCityWiseReport.csv.

And, let us understand the supported SQLs –

SELECT  orderMaster.order_id,,
        COUNT(*) TotalCount
FROM orderMaster
JOIN stateMaster USING (city)
JOIN accountMaster USING (user_id)
ORDER BY stateMaster.state

In this step, we’re going to store the output of the above query into a temporary view named – tempMaster data frame.

Since this is a polar data frame, we’re converting it to the pandas data frame.

res_Pandas = res.to_pandas()

Finally, let us understand the next part –

ctx_1 = pl.SQLContext(customerMaster = pl.scan_csv(fullCustomerFile),

In the above section, one source is getting populated from the CSV file, whereas the other source is feeding from a pandas data frame populated in the previous step.

Now, let us understand the SQL supported by this package, which is impressive –

SELECT  tempMaster.order_id,,
        COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state ORDER BY tempMaster.state, tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) StateWiseCount,
        MAX(tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state ORDER BY tempMaster.state, tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) MaxAccountByState,
        MIN(tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state ORDER BY tempMaster.state, tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) MinAccountByState,
        CASE WHEN < 70 THEN 'SILVER' ELSE 'GOLD' END CategoryStat,
        SUM(customerMaster.Balance) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state) SumBalance
FROM tempMaster
JOIN customerMaster USING (user_id)
ORDER BY tempMaster.state

As you can see it has the capability of all the advanced analytics SQL using partitions, and CASE statements.

The only problem with COUNT(*) with the partition is not working as expected. Not sure, whether that is related to any version issues or not.

COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY tempMaster.state ORDER BY tempMaster.state, tempMaster.Acct_Nbr) StateWiseCount

I’m trying to get more information on this. Except for this statement, everything works perfectly.

  • (Main class file that contains how to use the SQL)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 27-Jun-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 28-Oct-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main class that invokes  ####
#### advanced analytic SQL in python.                ####
####                                                 ####

from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import clsL as log
import clsSQL as ccl

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

###           Global Section                ###

#Initiating Logging Instances
clog = log.clsL()
cl = ccl.clsSQL()

var =".%H.%M.%S")

documents = []

###    End of Global Section                ###
def main():
        var ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        print('Start Time: ' + str(var))

        r1 = cl.execSQL()

        if r1 == 0:
            print('Successfully SQL-enabled!')
            print('Failed to senable SQL!')

        var1 ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        print('End Time: ' + str(var1))

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

if __name__ == '__main__':

As this is extremely easy to understand & self-explanatory.

To learn more about this package, please visit the following link.

So, finally, we’ve done it. I know that this post is relatively smaller than my earlier post. But, I think, you can get a good hack to improve some of your long-running jobs by applying this trick.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse. Please share & subscribe to my post & let me know your feedback.

Till then, Happy Avenging!  🙂

RAG implementation of LLMs by using Python, Haystack & React (Part – 2)

Today, we’ll share the second installment of the RAG implementation. If you are new here, please visit the previous post for full context.

In this post, we’ll be discussing the Haystack framework more. Again, before discussing the main context, I want to present the demo here.


Let us look at the flow diagram as it captures the sequence of events that unfold as part of the process, where today, we’ll pay our primary attention.

As you can see today, we’ll discuss the red dotted line, which contextualizes the source data into the Vector DBs.

Let us understand the flow of events here –

  1. The main Python application will consume the nested JSON by invoking the museum API in multiple threads.
  2. The application will clean the nested data & extract the relevant attributes after flattening the JSON.
  3. It will create the unstructured text-based context, which is later fed to the Vector DB framework.

pip install farm-haystack==1.19.0
pip install Flask==2.2.5
pip install Flask-Cors==4.0.0
pip install Flask-JWT-Extended==4.5.2
pip install Flask-Session==0.5.0
pip install openai==0.27.8
pip install pandas==2.0.3
pip install tensorflow==2.11.1

We’re using the Metropolitan Museum API to feed the data to our Vector DB. For more information, please visit the following link. And this is free to use & moreover, we’re using it for education scenarios.

We’ll discuss the tokenization part highlighted in a red dotted line from the above picture.

We’ll discuss the scripts in the diagram as part of the flow mentioned above.

  • (This is the main class that will extract the content from the museum API using parallel calls.)
def genData(self):
        base_url = self.base_url
        header_token = self.header_token
        basePath = self.basePath
        outputPath = self.outputPath
        mergedFile = self.mergedFile
        subdir = self.subdir
        Ind = self.Ind
        var_1 ="%H.%M.%S")

        devVal = list()
        objVal = list()

        # Main Details
        headers = {'Cookie':header_token}

        url = base_url + '/departments'

        date_ranges = self.generateFirstDayOfLastTenYears()

        # Getting all the departments
            print('Department URL:')

            response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
            parsed_data = json.loads(response.text)

            print('Department JSON:')

            # Extract the "departmentId" values into a Python list
            for dept_det in parsed_data['departments']:
                for info in dept_det:
                    if info == 'departmentId':

        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)
            devVal = list()

        # List to hold thread objects
        threads = []

        # Calling the Data using threads
        for dep in devVal:
            t = threading.Thread(target=self.getDataThread, args=(dep, base_url, headers, payload, date_ranges, objVal, subdir, Ind,))

        # Wait for all threads to complete
        for t in threads:

        res = self.mergeCsvFilesInDirectory(basePath, outputPath, mergedFile)

        if res == 0:

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

        return 1

The above code translates into the following steps –

  1. The above method first calls the generateFirstDayOfLastTenYears() plan to populate records for every department after getting all the unique departments by calling another API.
  2. Then, it will call the getDataThread() methods to fetch all the relevant APIs simultaneously to reduce the overall wait time & create individual smaller files.
  3. Finally, the application will invoke the mergeCsvFilesInDirectory() method to merge all the chunk files into one extensive historical data.
def generateFirstDayOfLastTenYears(self):
    yearRange = self.yearRange
    date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
    current_year =

    date_ranges = []
    for year in range(current_year - yearRange, current_year + 1):
        first_day_of_year_full = datetime(year, 1, 1)
        first_day_of_year = first_day_of_year_full.strftime(date_format)

    return date_ranges

The first method will generate the first day of each year for the last ten years, including the current year.

def getDataThread(self, dep, base_url, headers, payload, date_ranges, objVal, subdir, Ind):
        cnt = 0
        cnt_x = 1
        var_1 ="%H.%M.%S")

        for x_start_date in date_ranges:
                urlM = base_url + '/objects?metadataDate=' + str(x_start_date) + '&departmentIds=' + str(dep)

                print('Nested URL:')

                response_obj = requests.request("GET", urlM, headers=headers, data=payload)
                objectDets = json.loads(response_obj.text)

                for obj_det in objectDets['objectIDs']:

                for objId in objVal:
                    urlS = base_url + '/objects/' + str(objId)

                    print('Final URL:')

                    response_det = requests.request("GET", urlS, headers=headers, data=payload)
                    objDetJSON = response_det.text

                    retDB = self.createData(objDetJSON)
                    retDB['departmentId'] = str(dep)

                    if cnt == 0:
                        df_M = retDB
                        d_frames = [df_M, retDB]
                        df_M = pd.concat(d_frames)

                    if cnt == 1000:
                        cnt = 0
                        clog.logr('df_M_' + var_1 + '_' + str(cnt_x) + '_' + str(dep) +'.csv', Ind, df_M, subdir)
                        cnt_x += 1
                        df_M = pd.DataFrame()

                    cnt += 1

            except Exception as e:
                x = str(e)
                print('Error X:', x)
        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

        return 1

The above method will invoke the individual API call to fetch the relevant artifact information.

def mergeCsvFilesInDirectory(self, directory_path, output_path, output_file):
        csv_files = [file for file in os.listdir(directory_path) if file.endswith('.csv')]
        data_frames = []

        for file in csv_files:
            encodings_to_try = ['utf-8', 'utf-8-sig', 'latin-1', 'cp1252']
            for encoding in encodings_to_try:
                    FullFileName = directory_path + file
                    print('File Name: ', FullFileName)
                    df = pd.read_csv(FullFileName, encoding=encoding)
                    break  # Stop trying other encodings if the reading is successful
                except UnicodeDecodeError:

        if not data_frames:
            raise Exception("Unable to read CSV files. Check encoding or file format.")

        merged_df = pd.concat(data_frames, ignore_index=True)

        merged_full_name = os.path.join(output_path, output_file)
        merged_df.to_csv(merged_full_name, index=False)

        for file in csv_files:
            os.remove(os.path.join(directory_path, file))

        return 0

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)
        return 1

The above method will merge all the small files into a single, more extensive historical data that contains over ten years of data (the first day of ten years of data, to be precise).

For the complete code, please visit the GitHub.

  • (This is the main class that will invoke the class, which will extract the content from the museum API using parallel calls.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 27-Jun-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 28-Jun-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling             ####
#### python script that will invoke the              ####
#### shortcut application created inside MAC         ####
#### enviornment including MacBook, IPad or IPhone.  ####
####                                                 ####
import datetime
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf

import clsExtractJSON as cej

################    Global Area   ######################

cJSON = cej.clsExtractJSON()

basePath = cf.conf['DATA_PATH']
outputPath = cf.conf['OUTPUT_PATH']
mergedFile = cf.conf['MERGED_FILE']

################  End Of Global Area   #################

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

def main():
        var ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        print('Start Time: ' + str(var))

        r1 = cJSON.genData()

        if r1 == 0:
            print('Successfully Scrapped!')
            print('Failed to Scrappe!')

        var1 ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        print('End Time: ' + str(var1))

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The above script calls the main class after instantiating the class.

  • (This is the main class that will extract the relevant attributes from the historical files & then create the right input text to create the documents for contextualize into the Vector DB framework.)
def createRec(self):
        basePath = self.basePath
        fileName = self.fileName
        Ind = self.Ind
        subdir = self.subdir
        base_url = self.base_url
        outputPath = self.outputPath
        mergedFile = self.mergedFile
        cleanedFile = self.cleanedFile

        FullFileName = outputPath + mergedFile

        df = pd.read_csv(FullFileName)
        df2 = df[listCol]
        dfFin = df2.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)

        dfFin['artist_URL'] = dfFin['artistWikidata_URL'].combine_first(dfFin['artistULAN_URL'])
        dfFin['object_URL'] = dfFin['objectURL'].combine_first(dfFin['objectWikidata_URL'])
        dfFin['Wiki_URL'] = dfFin['Wikidata_URL'].combine_first(dfFin['AAT_URL']).combine_first(dfFin['URL']).combine_first(dfFin['object_URL'])

        # Dropping the old Dtype Columns
        dfFin.drop(['artistWikidata_URL'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        dfFin.drop(['artistULAN_URL'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        dfFin.drop(['objectURL'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        dfFin.drop(['objectWikidata_URL'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        dfFin.drop(['AAT_URL'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        dfFin.drop(['Wikidata_URL'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        dfFin.drop(['URL'], axis=1, inplace=True)

        # Save the filtered DataFrame to a new CSV file
        #clog.logr(cleanedFile, Ind, dfFin, subdir)
        res = self.addHash(dfFin)

        if res == 0:
            print('Added Hash!')
            print('Failed to add hash!')

        # Generate the text for each row in the dataframe
        for _, row in dfFin.iterrows():
            x = self.genPrompt(row)
            self.addDocument(x, cleanedFile)

        return documents

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Record Error: ', x)

        return documents

The above code will read the data from the extensive historical file created from the earlier steps & then it will clean the file by removing all the duplicate records (if any) & finally, it will create three unique URLs that constitute artist, object & wiki.

Also, this application will remove the hyperlink with a specific hash value, which will feed into the vector DB. Vector DB could be better with the URLs. Hence, we will store the URLs in a separate file by storing the associate hash value & later, we’ll fetch it in a lookup from the open AI response.

Then, this application will generate prompts dynamically & finally create the documents for later steps of vector DB consumption by invoking the addDocument() methods.

For more details, please visit the GitHub link.

  • (This is the main class that will call the above class.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 27-Jun-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 28-Jun-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling             ####
#### python script that will invoke the              ####
#### shortcut application created inside MAC         ####
#### enviornment including MacBook, IPad or IPhone.  ####
####                                                 ####

from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import clsL as log
import clsCreateList as ccl

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

###           Global Section                ###

#Initiating Logging Instances
clog = log.clsL()
cl = ccl.clsCreateList()

var =".%H.%M.%S")

documents = []

###    End of Global Section                ###
def main():
        var ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        print('Start Time: ' + str(var))

        print('Creating Index store:: ')

        documents = cl.createRec()

        print('Inserted Sample Records: ')

        r1 = len(documents)

        if r1 > 0:
            print('Successfully Indexed sample records!')
            print('Failed to sample Indexed recrods!')

        var1 ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        print('End Time: ' + str(var1))

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The above script invokes the main class after instantiating it & invokes the createRec() methods to tokenize the data into the vector DB.

This above test script will be used to test the above clsCreateList class. However, the class will be used inside another class.

– Satyaki
  • (This is the main class that will feed the documents into the vector DB.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 27-Jun-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 28-Sep-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling             ####
#### python script that will invoke the              ####
#### haystack frameowrk to contextulioze the docs    ####
#### inside the vector DB.                           ####
####                                                 ####

from haystack.document_stores.faiss import FAISSDocumentStore
from haystack.nodes import DensePassageRetriever
import openai
import pandas as pd
import os
import clsCreateList as ccl

from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import clsL as log

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

###           Global Section                ###

Ind = cf.conf['DEBUG_IND']
openAIKey = cf.conf['OPEN_AI_KEY']

os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"

#Initiating Logging Instances
clog = log.clsL()
cl = ccl.clsCreateList()

var =".%H.%M.%S")

# Encode your data to create embeddings
documents = []

var_1 ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
print('Start Time: ' + str(var_1))

print('Creating Index store:: ')

documents = cl.createRec()

print('Inserted Sample Records: ')

r1 = len(documents)

if r1 > 0:
    print('Successfully Indexed records!')
    print('Failed to Indexed recrods!')

var_2 ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
print('End Time: ' + str(var_2))

# Passing OpenAI API Key
openai.api_key = openAIKey

###    End of Global Section                ###

class clsFeedVectorDB:
    def __init__(self):
        self.basePath = cf.conf['DATA_PATH']
        self.modelFileName = cf.conf['CACHE_FILE']
        self.vectorDBPath = cf.conf['VECTORDB_PATH']
        self.vectorDBFileName = cf.conf['VECTORDB_FILE_NM']
        self.queryModel = cf.conf['QUERY_MODEL']
        self.passageModel = cf.conf['PASSAGE_MODEL']

    def retrieveDocuments(self, question, retriever, top_k=3):
        return retriever.retrieve(question, top_k=top_k)

    def generateAnswerWithGPT3(self, retrievedDocs, question):
        documents_text = " ".join([doc.content for doc in retrievedDocs])
        prompt = f"Given the following documents: {documents_text}, answer the question: {question}"

        response = openai.Completion.create(
        return response.choices[0].text.strip()

    def ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3(self, question, retriever):
        retrievedDocs = self.retrieveDocuments(question, retriever)
        return self.generateAnswerWithGPT3(retrievedDocs, question)

    def genData(self, strVal):
            basePath = self.basePath
            modelFileName = self.modelFileName
            vectorDBPath = self.vectorDBPath
            vectorDBFileName = self.vectorDBFileName
            queryModel = self.queryModel
            passageModel = self.passageModel

            print('Index Your Data for Retrieval:')

            FullFileName = basePath + modelFileName
            FullVectorDBname = vectorDBPath + vectorDBFileName

            sqlite_path = "sqlite:///" + FullVectorDBname + '.db'
            print('Vector DB Path: ', str(sqlite_path))

            indexFile = "vectorDB/" + str(vectorDBFileName) + '.faiss'
            indexConfig = "vectorDB/" + str(vectorDBFileName) + ".json"

            print('File: ', str(indexFile))
            print('Config: ', str(indexConfig))

            # Initialize DocumentStore
            document_store = FAISSDocumentStore(sql_url=sqlite_path)

            libName = "vectorDB/" + str(vectorDBFileName) + '.faiss'


            # Initialize Retriever
            retriever = DensePassageRetriever(document_store=document_store,


  , config_path="vectorDB/" + str(vectorDBFileName) + ".json")

            print('Testing with RAG & OpenAI...')

            answer = self.ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3(strVal, retriever)

            print('Testing Answer:: ')

            return 0

        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)

            return 1

In the above script, the following essential steps took place –

  1. First, the application calls the clsCreateList class to store all the documents inside a dictionary.
  2. Then it stores the data inside the vector DB & creates & stores the model, which will be later reused (If you remember, we’ve used this as a model in our previous post).
  3. Finally, test with some sample use cases by providing the proper context to OpenAI & confirm the response.

Here is a short clip of how the RAG models contextualize with the source data.

RAG-Model Contextualization

So, finally, we’ve done it.

I know that this post is relatively bigger than my earlier post. But, I think, you can get all the details once you go through it.

You will get the complete codebase in the following GitHub link.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse. Please share & subscribe to my post & let me know your feedback.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂

RAG implementation of LLMs by using Python, Haystack & React (Part – 1)

Today, I will share a new post in a part series about creating end-end LLMs that feed source data with RAG implementation. I’ll also use OpenAI python-based SDK and Haystack embeddings in this case.

In this post, I’ve directly subscribed to OpenAI & I’m not using OpenAI from Azure. However, I’ll explore that in the future as well.

Before I explain the process to invoke this new library, why not view the demo first & then discuss it?


Let us look at the flow diagram as it captures the sequence of events that unfold as part of the process.

As you can see, to enable this large & complex solution, we must first establish the capabilities to build applications powered by LLMs, Transformer models, vector search, and more. You can use state-of-the-art NLP models to perform question-answering, answer generation, semantic document search, or build tools capable of complex decision-making and query resolution. Hence, steps no. 1 & 2 showcased the data embedding & creating that informed repository. We’ll be discussing that in our second part.

Once you have the informed repository, the system can interact with the end-users. As part of the query (shown in step 3), the prompt & the question are shared with the process engine, which then turned to reduce the volume & get relevant context from our informed repository & get the tuned context as part of the response (Shown in steps 4, 5 & 6).

Then, this tuned context is shared with the OpenAI for better response & summary & concluding remarks that are very user-friendly & easier to understand for end-users (Shown in steps 8 & 9).

The following are the important packages that are essential to this project –

pip install farm-haystack==1.19.0
pip install Flask==2.2.5
pip install Flask-Cors==4.0.0
pip install Flask-JWT-Extended==4.5.2
pip install Flask-Session==0.5.0
pip install openai==0.27.8
pip install pandas==2.0.3
pip install tensorflow==2.11.1

We’ve both the front-end using react & back-end APIs with Python-flask and the Open AI to create this experience.

Today, we’ll be going in reverse mode. We first discuss the main script & then explain all the other class scripts.

  • (This is the main calling Python script to invoke the RAG-Server.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 27-Jun-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 28-Jun-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling             ####
#### python script that will invoke the              ####
#### shortcut application created inside MAC         ####
#### enviornment including MacBook, IPad or IPhone.  ####
####                                                 ####

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, session
from flask_cors import CORS
from import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash
from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager, jwt_required, create_access_token
import pandas as pd
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import clsL as log
import clsContentScrapper as csc
import clsRAGOpenAI as crao
import csv
from datetime import timedelta
import os
import re
import json

################    Global Area   ######################
#Initiating Logging Instances
clog = log.clsL()

admin_key = cf.conf['ADMIN_KEY']
secret_key = cf.conf['SECRET_KEY']
session_path = cf.conf['SESSION_PATH']
sessionFile = cf.conf['SESSION_CACHE_FILE']

app = Flask(__name__)
CORS(app)  # This will enable CORS for all routes
app.config['JWT_SECRET_KEY'] = admin_key  # Change this!
app.secret_key = secret_key

jwt = JWTManager(app)

users = cf.conf['USER_NM']
passwd = cf.conf['USER_PWD']

cCScrapper = csc.clsContentScrapper()
cr = crao.clsRAGOpenAI()

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

# Define the aggregation functions
def join_unique(series):
    unique_vals = series.drop_duplicates().astype(str)
    return ', '.join(filter(lambda x: x != 'nan', unique_vals))

# Building the preaggregate cache
def groupImageWiki():
        base_path = cf.conf['OUTPUT_PATH']
        inputFile = cf.conf['CLEANED_FILE']
        outputFile = cf.conf['CLEANED_FILE_SHORT']
        subdir = cf.conf['SUBDIR_OUT']
        Ind = cf.conf['DEBUG_IND']

        inputCleanedFileLookUp = base_path + inputFile

        #Opening the file in dataframe
        df = pd.read_csv(inputCleanedFileLookUp)
        hash_values = df['Total_Hash'].unique()

        dFin = df[['primaryImage','Wiki_URL','Total_Hash']]

        # Ensure columns are strings and not NaN
        # Convert columns to string and replace 'nan' with an empty string
        dFin['primaryImage'] = dFin['primaryImage'].astype(str).replace('nan', '')
        dFin['Wiki_URL'] = dFin['Wiki_URL'].astype(str).replace('nan', '')


        # Group by 'Total_Hash' and aggregate
        dfAgg = dFin.groupby('Total_Hash').agg({'primaryImage': join_unique,'Wiki_URL': join_unique}).reset_index()

        return dfAgg

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

        df = pd.DataFrame()

        return df

resDf = groupImageWiki()

################  End  Global Area  ####################

def extractRemoveUrls(hash_value):
    image_urls = ''
    wiki_urls = ''
    # Parse the inner message JSON string

        resDf['Total_Hash'] = resDf['Total_Hash'].astype(int)
        filtered_df = resDf[resDf['Total_Hash'] == int(hash_value)]

        if not filtered_df.empty:
            image_urls = filtered_df['primaryImage'].values[0]
            wiki_urls = filtered_df['Wiki_URL'].values[0]

        return image_urls, wiki_urls

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('extractRemoveUrls Error: ', x)
        return image_urls, wiki_urls

def isIncomplete(line):
    """Check if a line appears to be incomplete."""

    # Check if the line ends with certain patterns indicating it might be incomplete.
    incomplete_patterns = [': [Link](', ': Approximately ', ': ']
    return any(line.endswith(pattern) for pattern in incomplete_patterns)

def filterData(data):
    """Return only the complete lines from the data."""

    lines = data.split('\n')
    complete_lines = [line for line in lines if not isIncomplete(line)]

    return '\n'.join(complete_lines)

def updateCounter(sessionFile):
        counter = 0

        # Check if the CSV file exists
        if os.path.exists(sessionFile):
            with open(sessionFile, 'r') as f:
                reader = csv.reader(f)
                for row in reader:
                    # Assuming the counter is the first value in the CSV
                    counter = int(row[0])

        # Increment counter
        counter += 1

        # Write counter back to CSV
        with open(sessionFile, 'w', newline='') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)

        return counter
    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

        return 1

def getPreviousResult():
        fullFileName = session_path + sessionFile
        newCounterValue = updateCounter(fullFileName)

        return newCounterValue
    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        print('Error: ', x)

        return 1

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
    username = request.json.get('username', None)
    password = request.json.get('password', None)

    print('User Name: ', str(username))
    print('Password: ', str(password))

    #if username not in users or not check_password_hash(users.get(username), password):
    if ((username not in users) or (password not in passwd)):
        return jsonify({'login': False}), 401

    access_token = create_access_token(identity=username)
    return jsonify(access_token=access_token)

@app.route('/chat', methods=['POST'])
def get_chat():
        #session["key"] = "1D98KI"
        #session_id = session.sid
        #print('Session Id: ', str(session_id))

        cnt = getPreviousResult()
        print('Running Session Count: ', str(cnt))

        username = request.json.get('username', None)
        message = request.json.get('message', None)

        print('User: ', str(username))
        print('Content: ', str(message))

        if cnt == 1:
            retList = cCScrapper.extractCatalog()
            hashValue, cleanedData = cr.getData(str(message))
            print('Main Hash Value:', str(hashValue))

            imageUrls, wikiUrls = extractRemoveUrls(hashValue)
            print('Image URLs: ', str(imageUrls))
            print('Wiki URLs: ', str(wikiUrls))
            print('Clean Text:')
            retList = '{"records":[{"Id":"' + str(cleanedData) + '", "Image":"' + str(imageUrls) + '", "Wiki": "' + str(wikiUrls) + '"}]}'

        response = {
            'message': retList

        print('JSON: ', str(response))
        return jsonify(response)

    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)

        response = {
            'message': 'Error: ' + x
        return jsonify(response)

@app.route('/api/data', methods=['GET'])
def get_data():
    response = {
        'message': 'Hello from Flask!'
    return jsonify(response)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Let us understand some of the important sections of the above script –

Function – login():

The login function retrieves a ‘username’ and ‘password’ from a JSON request and prints them. It checks if the provided credentials are missing from users or password lists, returning a failure JSON response if so. It creates and returns an access token in a JSON response if valid.

Function – get_chat():

The get_chat function retrieves the running session count and user input from a JSON request. Based on the session count, it extracts catalog data or processes the user’s message from the RAG framework that finally receives the refined response from the OpenAI, extracting hash values, image URLs, and wiki URLs. If an error arises, the function captures and returns the error as a JSON message.

Function – updateCounter():

The updateCounter function checks if a given CSV file exists and retrieves its counter value. It then increments the counter and writes it back to the CSV. If any errors occur, an error message is printed, and the function returns a value of 1.

Function – extractRemoveUrls():

The extractRemoveUrls function attempts to filter a data frame, resDf, based on a provided hash value to extract image and wiki URLs. If the data frame contains matching entries, it retrieves the corresponding URLs. Any errors encountered are printed, but the function always returns the image and wiki URLs, even if they are empty.

  • (This is the main class that brings the default options for the users if they agree with the initial prompt by the bot.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                      ####
#### Written On: 27-May-2023                     ####
#### Modified On 28-May-2023                     ####
####                                             ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling         ####
#### python class that will invoke the           ####
#### LangChain of package to extract             ####
#### the transcript from the YouTube videos &    ####
#### then answer the questions based on the      ####
#### topics selected by the users.               ####
####                                             ####

from langchain.document_loaders import YoutubeLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains import LLMChain

from import (

from googleapiclient.discovery import build

import clsTemplate as ct
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf

import os

from flask import jsonify
import requests

###           Global Section                ###
open_ai_Key = cf.conf['OPEN_AI_KEY']
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = open_ai_Key
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=open_ai_Key)

YouTube_Key = cf.conf['YOUTUBE_KEY']
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=YouTube_Key)

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

###    End of Global Section                ###

class clsContentScrapper:
    def __init__(self):
        self.model_name = cf.conf['MODEL_NAME']
        self.temp_val = cf.conf['TEMP_VAL']
        self.max_cnt = int(cf.conf['MAX_CNT'])
        self.url = cf.conf['BASE_URL']
        self.header_token = cf.conf['HEADER_TOKEN']

    def extractCatalog(self):
            base_url = self.url
            header_token = self.header_token

            url = base_url + '/departments'

            print('Full URL: ', str(url))

            headers = {'Cookie': header_token}

            response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

            x = response.text

            return x
        except Exception as e:
            discussedTopic = []
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)

            return x

Let us understand the the core part that require from this class.

Function – extractCatalog():

The extractCatalog function uses specific headers to make a GET request to a constructed URL. The URL is derived by appending ‘/departments’ to a base_url, and a header token is used in the request headers. If successful, it returns the text of the response; if there’s an exception, it prints the error and returns the error message.

  • (This is the main class that brings the RAG-enabled context that is fed to OpenAI for fine-tuned response with less cost.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 27-Jun-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 28-Jun-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling             ####
#### python script that will invoke the              ####
#### shortcut application created inside MAC         ####
#### enviornment including MacBook, IPad or IPhone.  ####
####                                                 ####

from haystack.document_stores.faiss import FAISSDocumentStore
from haystack.nodes import DensePassageRetriever
import openai

from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import clsL as log

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

import os
import re
###           Global Section                ###
Ind = cf.conf['DEBUG_IND']
queryModel = cf.conf['QUERY_MODEL']
passageModel = cf.conf['PASSAGE_MODEL']

#Initiating Logging Instances
clog = log.clsL()

os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"

vectorDBFileName = cf.conf['VECTORDB_FILE_NM']

indexFile = "vectorDB/" + str(vectorDBFileName) + '.faiss'
indexConfig = "vectorDB/" + str(vectorDBFileName) + ".json"

print('File: ', str(indexFile))
print('Config: ', str(indexConfig))

# Also, provide `config_path` parameter if you set it when calling the `save()` method:
new_document_store = FAISSDocumentStore.load(index_path=indexFile, config_path=indexConfig)

# Initialize Retriever
retriever = DensePassageRetriever(document_store=new_document_store,

###    End of Global Section                ###

class clsRAGOpenAI:
    def __init__(self):
        self.basePath = cf.conf['DATA_PATH']
        self.fileName = cf.conf['FILE_NAME']
        self.Ind = cf.conf['DEBUG_IND']
        self.subdir = str(cf.conf['OUT_DIR'])
        self.base_url = cf.conf['BASE_URL']
        self.outputPath = cf.conf['OUTPUT_PATH']
        self.vectorDBPath = cf.conf['VECTORDB_PATH']
        self.openAIKey = cf.conf['OPEN_AI_KEY']
        self.temp = cf.conf['TEMP_VAL']
        self.modelName = cf.conf['MODEL_NAME']
        self.maxToken = cf.conf['MAX_TOKEN']

    def extractHash(self, text):
            # Regular expression pattern to match 'Ref: {' followed by a number and then '}'
            pattern = r"Ref: \{'(\d+)'\}"
            match =, text)

            if match:
                return None
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)

            return None

    def removeSentencesWithNaN(self, text):
            # Split text into sentences using regular expression
            sentences = re.split('(?<!\w\.\w.)(?<![A-Z][a-z]\.)(?<=\.|\?)\s', text)
            # Filter out sentences containing 'nan'
            filteredSentences = [sentence for sentence in sentences if 'nan' not in sentence]
            # Rejoin the sentences
            return ' '.join(filteredSentences)
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)

            return ''

    def retrieveDocumentsReader(self, question, top_k=9):
        return retriever.retrieve(question, top_k=top_k)

    def generateAnswerWithGPT3(self, retrieved_docs, question):
            openai.api_key = self.openAIKey
            temp = self.temp
            modelName = self.modelName
            maxToken = self.maxToken

            documentsText = " ".join([doc.content for doc in retrieved_docs])

            filteredDocs = self.removeSentencesWithNaN(documentsText)
            hashValue = self.extractHash(filteredDocs)

            print('RAG Docs:: ')
            #prompt = f"Given the following documents: {documentsText}, answer the question accurately based on the above data with the supplied http urls: {question}"

            # Set up a chat-style prompt with your data
            messages = [
                {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant, answer the question accurately based on the above data with the supplied http urls. Only relevant content needs to publish. Please do not provide the facts or the texts that results crossing the max_token limits."},
                {"role": "user", "content": filteredDocs}

            # Chat style invoking the latest model
            response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
                temperature = temp,
            return hashValue, response.choices[0].message['content'].strip().replace('\n','\\n')
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('failed to get from OpenAI: ', x)
            return 'Not Available!'

    def ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3(self, question):
        retrievedDocs = self.retrieveDocumentsReader(question)
        return self.generateAnswerWithGPT3(retrievedDocs, question)

    def getData(self, strVal):
            print('Index Your Data for Retrieval:')

            print('Response from New Docs: ')

            hashValue, answer = self.ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3(strVal)

            print('GPT3 Answer::')
            print('Hash Value:')

            print('End Of Use RAG to Generate Answers:')

            return hashValue, answer
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            print('Error: ', x)
            answer = x
            hashValue = 1

            return hashValue, answer

Let us understand some of the important block –

Function – ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3():

The ragAnswerWithHaystackAndGPT3 function retrieves relevant documents for a given question using the retrieveDocumentsReader method. It then generates an answer for the query using GPT-3 with the retrieved documents via the generateAnswerWithGPT3 method. The final response is returned.

Function – generateAnswerWithGPT3():

The generateAnswerWithGPT3 function, given a list of retrieved documents and a question, communicates with OpenAI’s GPT-3 to generate an answer. It first processes the documents, filtering and extracting a hash value. Using a chat-style format, it prompts GPT-3 with the processed documents and captures its response. If an error occurs, an error message is printed, and “Not Available!” is returned.

Function – retrieveDocumentsReader():

The retrieveDocumentsReader function takes in a question and an optional parameter, top_k (defaulted to 9). It is called the retriever.retrieve method with the given parameters. The result of the retrieval will generate at max nine responses from the RAG engine, which will be fed to OpenAI.

  • App.js (This is the main react script, that will create the interface & parse the data apart from the authentication)
// App.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import './App.css';

const App = () => {
  const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
  const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
  const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
  const [message, setMessage] = useState('');
  const [chatLog, setChatLog] = useState([{ sender: 'MuBot', message: 'Welcome to MuBot! Please explore the world of History from our brilliant collections! Do you want to proceed to see the catalog?'}]);

  const handleLogin = async (e) => {
    try {
      const response = await'http://localhost:5000/login', { username, password });
      if (response.status === 200) {
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Login error:', error);

  const sendMessage = async (username) => {
    if (message.trim() === '') return;

    // Create a new chat entry
    const newChatEntry = {
      sender: 'user',
      message: message.trim(),

    // Clear the input field

    try {
      // Make API request to Python-based API
      const response = await'http://localhost:5000/chat', { message: newChatEntry.message }); // Replace with your API endpoint URL
      const responseData =;

      // Print the response to the console for debugging
      console.log('API Response:', responseData);

      // Parse the nested JSON from the 'message' attribute
      const jsonData = JSON.parse(responseData.message);

      // Check if the data contains 'departments'
      if (jsonData.departments) {

        // Extract the 'departments' attribute from the parsed data
        const departments = jsonData.departments;

        // Extract the department names and create a single string with line breaks
        const botResponseText = departments.reduce((acc, department) => {return acc + department.departmentId + ' ' + department.displayName + '\n';}, '');

        // Update the chat log with the bot's response
        setChatLog((prevChatLog) => [...prevChatLog, { sender: 'user', message: message }, { sender: 'bot', message: botResponseText },]);
      else if (jsonData.records)
        // Data structure 2: Artwork information
        const records = jsonData.records;

        // Prepare chat entries
        const chatEntries = [];

        // Iterate through records and extract text, image, and wiki information
        records.forEach((record) => {
          const textInfo = Object.entries(record).map(([key, value]) => {
            if (key !== 'Image' && key !== 'Wiki') {
              return `${key}: ${value}`;
            return null;
          }).filter((info) => info !== null).join('\n');

          const imageLink = record.Image;
          //const wikiLinks = JSON.parse(record.Wiki.replace(/'/g, '"'));
          //const wikiLinks = record.Wiki;
          const wikiLinks = record.Wiki.split(',').map(link => link.trim());

          console.log('Wiki:', wikiLinks);

          // Check if there is a valid image link
          const hasValidImage = imageLink && imageLink !== '[]';

          const imageElement = hasValidImage ? (
            <img src={imageLink} alt="Artwork" style={{ maxWidth: '100%' }} />
          ) : null;

          // Create JSX elements for rendering the wiki links (if available)
          const wikiElements =, index) => (
            <div key={index}>
              <a href={link} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
                Wiki Link {index + 1}

          if (textInfo) {
            chatEntries.push({ sender: 'bot', message: textInfo });

          if (imageElement) {
            chatEntries.push({ sender: 'bot', message: imageElement });

          if (wikiElements.length > 0) {
            chatEntries.push({ sender: 'bot', message: wikiElements });

        // Update the chat log with the bot's response
        setChatLog((prevChatLog) => [...prevChatLog, { sender: 'user', message }, ...chatEntries, ]);

    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error sending message:', error);

  if (!isLoggedIn) {
    return (
      <div className="login-container">
        <h2>Welcome to the MuBot</h2>
        <form onSubmit={handleLogin} className="login-form">
            placeholder="Enter your name"
            onChange={(e) => setUsername(}
            placeholder="Enter your password"
            onChange={(e) => setPassword(}
          <button type="submit">Login</button>

  return (
    <div className="chat-container">
      <div className="chat-header">
        <h2>Hello, {username}</h2>
        <h3>Chat with MuBot</h3>
      <div className="chat-log">
        {, index) => (
            className={`chat-entry ${chatEntry.sender === 'user' ? 'user' : 'bot'}`}
            <span className="user-name">{chatEntry.sender === 'user' ? username : 'MuBot'}</span>
            <p className="chat-message">{chatEntry.message}</p>
      <div className="chat-input">
          placeholder="Type your message..."
          onChange={(e) => setMessage(}
          onKeyPress={(e) => {
            if (e.key === 'Enter') {
        <button onClick={sendMessage}>Send</button>

export default App;

Please find some of the important logic –

Function – handleLogin():

The handleLogin asynchronous function responds to an event by preventing its default action. It attempts to post a login request with a username and password to a local server endpoint. If the response is successful with a status of 200, it updates a state variable to indicate a successful login; otherwise, it logs any encountered errors.

Function – sendMessage():

The sendMessage asynchronous function is designed to handle the user’s chat interaction:

  1. If the message is empty (after trimming spaces), the function exits without further action.
  2. A chat entry object is created with the sender set as ‘user’ and the trimmed message.
  3. The input field’s message is cleared, and an API request is made to a local server endpoint with the chat message.
  4. If the API responds with a ‘departments’ attribute in its JSON, a bot response is crafted by iterating over department details.
  5. If the API responds with ‘records’ indicating artwork information, the bot crafts responses for each record, extracting text, images, and wiki links, and generating JSX elements for rendering them.
  6. After processing the API response, the chat log state is updated with the user’s original message and the bot’s responses.
  7. Errors, if encountered, are logged to the console.

This function enables interactive chat with bot responses that vary based on the nature of the data received from the API.

Let us explore the directory structure starting from the parent to some of the important child folder should look like this –

So, finally, we’ve done it.

I know that this post is relatively bigger than my earlier post. But, I think, you can get all the details once you go through it.

You will get the complete codebase in the following GitHub link.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse. Please share & subscribe to my post & let me know your feedback.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂

Hacking the performance of Python Solutions with a custom-built library

Today, I’m very excited to demonstrate an effortless & new way to hack the performance of Python. This post will be a super short & yet crisp presentation of improving the overall performance.

Why not view the demo before going through it?


Isn’t it exciting? Let’s understand the steps to improve your code.

pip install cython

Cython is a Python-to-C compiler. It can significantly improve performance for specific tasks, especially those with heavy computation and loops. Also, Cython’s syntax is very similar to Python, which makes it easy to learn.

Let’s consider an example where we calculate the sum of squares for a list of numbers. The code without optimization would look like this:

  • (First untuned Python class.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 31-Jul-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 31-Jul-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling             ####
#### python script that will invoke the              ####
#### first version of accute computation.            ####
####                                                 ####
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf

import time
start = time.time()

n_val = cf.conf['INPUT_VAL']

def compute_sum_of_squares(n):
    return sum([i**2 for i in range(n)])

n = n_val


print(f"Test - 1: Execution time: {time.time() - start} seconds")

Here, n_val contains the value as – “1000000000”.

Now, let’s optimize it using Cython by installing the abovementioned packages. Then, you will have to create a .pyx file, say “compute.pyx”, with the following code:

cpdef double compute_sum_of_squares(int n):
    return sum([i**2 for i in range(n)])

Now, create a file to compile it:

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                            ####
#### Written On: 31-Jul-2023                           ####
#### Modified On 31-Jul-2023                           ####
####                                                   ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling               ####
#### python script that will create the                ####
#### compiled library after executing the compute.pyx. ####
####                                                   ####

from setuptools import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

    ext_modules = cythonize("compute.pyx")

Compile it using the command:

python build_ext --inplace

This will look like the following –

Finally, you can import the function from the compiled “.pyx” file inside the improved code.

  • (First untuned Python class.)
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                          ####
#### Written On: 31-Jul-2023                         ####
#### Modified On 31-Jul-2023                         ####
####                                                 ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling             ####
#### python script that will invoke the              ####
#### optimized & precompiled custom library, which   ####
#### will significantly improve the performance.     ####
####                                                 ####
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
from compute import compute_sum_of_squares

import time
start = time.time()

n_val = cf.conf['INPUT_VAL']

n = n_val


print(f"Test - 2: Execution time with multiprocessing: {time.time() - start} seconds")

By compiling to C, Cython can speed up loop and function calls, leading to significant speedup for CPU-bound tasks.

Please note that while Cython can dramatically improve performance, it can make the code more complex and harder to debug. Therefore, starting with regular Python and switching to Cython for the performance-critical parts of the code is recommended.

So, finally, we’ve done it. I know that this post is relatively smaller than my earlier post. But, I think, you can get a good hack to improve some of your long-running jobs by applying this trick.

I’ll bring some more exciting topics in the coming days from the Python verse. Please share & subscribe to my post & let me know your feedback.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 🙂