Creating a micro-service using integrated Azure Python-based function inside the Visual Studio Code

Hi Guys!

Today, We will revisit one of the previous posts & demonstrate the latest micro-service approach using the Integrated azure python function using Microsoft visual studio code. We will be using the same code base except for minor changes in our code. Please refer to the old post for a detailed discussion on the code-base.

We have created a new Microsoft Azure account & tested this for the audience. We want to thank Microsoft for testing their cool tools & allow us to explore & document them & even allow us to present our scenario here.

If you successfully register, you will be able to see the following page inside the azure function –

Right-hand side is showing the credit is given by the Microsoft

You need to install Microsoft Visual Studio Code, which you’ll get it from this link.

One can see the following landing page if they open this application –

Initial landing screen in Visual Studio Code

We need to install the above component marked with a white square box. After this, we need to install other important nuget from the Microsoft visual studio code. Among them, we need to first install – Azure Function by searching it as shown below –

Click the Green Install button to install this nuget

After installing, we can see the following screen –

Left-hand side shows azure available components after login

Microsoft suggests everyone for a two-stage authentication. In that way, after providing the essential credentials, the system will ask for the code that should have pushed to the registered, trusted device. After successful entry, one can see the following confirmation screen –

Two-Stage Authentication

At this moment, we can see the following screen if our two-stage authentication is successful –

Yellow-box depicting the subscription details

To create a new function, we’ll be creating a new project marked in the red-square box in the given picture –

Creating a new project under Azure Function

It will lead to a series of following screens, which will create a dummy template for our azure function –

1. We need to choose our preferred language i.e. Python in this case
2. We need to choose specific Python version out of multiple options
3. We need to choose the trigger type as HTTP
4. We need to give a meaningful name
5. We need select the authorization level. In this case, we’ll choose Anonymous

After these sequences mentioned above of steps, finally, we will come down to the next landing page –

6. Left-hand side contains the file explorer, right-hand side contains the code snippet

Visual Studio Code provides a handy interface to run or debug the azure function. Please refer the following screen for the reference –

This will generate a local end-point link marked in Red-Square box

Following is the way to test the azure application from Postman –

Test the local end-point captured from the previous step

Visual studio code puts all the existing debugging options available for the Azure function in Python, similar to all other Microsoft languages.

One might encounter failure when trying to run or debug the python function locally due to library binding issues with the azure virtual environment.

To solve the above problem, we need to update “Activate.ps1” – PATH variable as shown below –

Need to add the Library entry in-front of the bin path marked in RED

To deploy this function, the following series of steps that we need to follow –

The Green-box within the Red-Box shown the deployment options for the newly developed Azure function
We need to give a unique name for our Azure Function
Providing an unique name for the function
Selecting correct python version
Selecting the desired region i.e. West US 2

After this step, a series of the intermediate message will be shown at the bottom-right of the screen & finally the following message will be displayed if the deployment is successful –

See the bottom right-hand message enclosed within the green-square box

Now, we can see this created azure function from the portal itself –

Deployed function running successfully

Now, we can test this deployed function through postman as follows –

Successfully returned the response

However, we need to remember one thing before deploying the package that we need to capture all the dependent Python packages as shown in the following screen –

All the key packages should be placed inside your requirements.txt file

Similarly, we have converted our old Azure function as part of this new drive. Please find the main script, which we have modified –

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE            ####
#### Written On: 08-Jun-2019           ####
#### Package Flask package needs to    ####
#### install in order to run this      ####
#### script.                           ####
####                                   ####
#### Objective: Main Calling scripts.  ####
#### This is an autogenrate scripts.   ####
#### However, to meet the functionality####
#### we've enhanced as per our logic.  ####
__all__ = ['clsFlask']

import logging
import azure.functions as func
import json

# from getVal.clsFlask import clsFlask
from . import clsFlask as cflask

getVal = cflask.clsFlask()

def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:'Python Encryption function processed a request.')

    str_val = 'Input Payload:: ' + str(req.get_json())
    str_1 = str(req.get_json())

    ret_val = {}
    DataIn = ''
    dGroup = ''
    dTemplate = ''
    flg = ''

    if (str_1 != ''):
            req_body = req.get_json()
            dGroup = req_body.get('dataGroup')

                DataIn = req_body.get('data')
                strV15 = 'If Part:: ' + str(DataIn)


                if ((DataIn == '') | (DataIn == None)):
                    raise ValueError

                flg = 'Y'
            except ValueError:
                DataIn = req_body.get('edata')
                strV15 = 'Else Part:: ' + str(DataIn)
                flg = 'N'
                DataIn = req_body.get('edata')
                strV15 = 'Else Part:: ' + str(DataIn)
                flg = 'N'

            dTemplate = req_body.get('dataTemplate')

        except ValueError:

    strV5 = "Encrypt Decrypt Flag:: " + flg

    if (flg == 'Y'):

        if ((DataIn != '') & ((dGroup != '') & (dTemplate != ''))):

  "Encryption Started!")
            ret_val = getVal.getEncryptProcess(dGroup, DataIn, dTemplate)
            strVal2 = 'Return Payload:: ' + str(ret_val)

            # Forming Proper JSON
            encVal = {"dataEncrypt": ret_val}

            xval = json.dumps(encVal)

            return func.HttpResponse(xval)
            return func.HttpResponse(
                 "Please pass a data in the request body",

        if ((DataIn != '') & ((dGroup != '') & (dTemplate != ''))):

  "Decryption Started!")
            ret_val2 = getVal.getDecryptProcess(dGroup, DataIn, dTemplate)
            strVal3 = 'Return Payload:: ' + str(ret_val)

            # Forming Proper JSON
            decVal = {"dataDecrypt": ret_val2}

            xval1 = json.dumps(decVal)

            return func.HttpResponse(xval1)
            return func.HttpResponse(
                "Please pass a data in the request body",

Only the change part, we are going to discuss here.

from . import clsFlask as cflask

getVal = cflask.clsFlask()

We will deploy our azure function after making necessary changes to the code & we can review our deployed encryption function from the following screen –

Newly deployed encryption function

We can test this newly deployed advanced Azure function from Postman as shown below –

Encryption API testing through Postman

Following are the sequence of steps, by which we can explore the Azure monitor & log analytics & can extract meaningful data point out of our Azure function execution details –

Getting debug info from the last executed event marked within the RED-square box
Retrieving individual execution debug details
Querying execution data point from Log Analytics

So, finally, we have done it. We have successfully incorporated our old azure function & convert that as per the latest platform provided by the Microsoft Azure cloud. 🙂

I’ll bring some more exciting topic in the coming days from the Python verse.

Till then, Happy Avenging! 😀

Note: All the data & scenario posted here are representational data & scenarios & available over the internet & for educational purpose only.

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