Analyzing Language using IBM Watson using Python

Hi Guys,

Today, I’ll be discussing the following topic – “How to analyze text using IBM Watson implementing through Python.”

IBM has significantly improved in the field of Visual Image Analysis or Text language analysis using its IBM Watson cloud platform. In this particular topic, we’ll be exploring the natural languages only.

To access IBM API, we need to first create an IBM Cloud account from this site.

Let us quickly go through the steps to create the IBM Language Understanding service. Click the Catalog on top of your browser menu as shown in the below picture –

6. Creating an Instance for Watson

After that, click the AI option on your left-hand side of the panel marked in RED.

Click the Watson-Studio & later choose the plan. In our case, We’ll select the “Lite” option as IBM provided this platform for all the developers to explore their cloud for free.

7. Choosing AI
8. Choosing Plan

Clicking the create option will lead to a blank page of Watson Studio as shown below –

9. Choosing Watson Studio

And, now, we need to click the Get Started button to launch it. This will lead to Create Project page, which can be done using the following steps –

10. Create Project Initial Screen

Now, clicking the create a project will lead you to the next screen –

11. Create Project - Continue

You can choose either an empty project, or you can create it from a sample file. In this case, we’ll be selecting the first option & this will lead us to the below page –

12. Creating a Project

And, then you will click the “Create” option, which will lead you to the next screen –

13. Adding to project

Now, you need to click “Add to Project.” This will give you a variety of services that you want to explore/use from the list. If you want to create your own natural language classifier, which you can do that as follows –

14. Adding Natural Language Components from IBM Cloud

Once, you click it – you need to select the associate service –

15. Adding Associte Service - Sound

Here, you need to click the hyperlink, which prompts to the next screen –

16. Choosing Associate Service - Sound

You need to check the price for both the Visual & Natural Language Classifier. They are pretty expensive. The visual classifier has the Lite plan. However, it has limitations of output.

Clicking the “Create” will prompt to the next screen –

18. Selecting Region - Sound

After successful creation, you will be redirected to the following page –

19. Landing Page - Sound

Now, We’ll be adding our “Natural Language Understand” for our test –

29. Choosing Natural Language Understanding

This will prompt the next screen –

7. Choosing AI - Natural Language Understanding

Once, it is successful. You will see the service registered as shown below –

3. Watson Services - Sound

If you click the service marked in RED, it will lead you to another page, where you will get the API Key & Url. You need both of this information in Python application to access this API as shown below –

4. Watson API Details - Sound

Now, we’re ready with the necessary cloud set-up. After this, we need to install the Python package for IBM Cloud as shown below –

1. Installing_Packages

We’ve noticed that, recently, IBM has launched one upgraded package. Hence, we installed that one as well. I would recommend you to install this second package directly instead of the first one shown above –

2. Installing Latest IBM_Watson Package

Now, we’re done with our set-up.

Let’s see the directory structure –

31. Directory Structure

We’ll be discussing only the main calling script & class script. However, we’ll be posting the parameters without discussing it. And, we won’t discuss as we’ve already discussed that in our previous post.

1. (This script contains all the parameter details.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 04-Apr-2020              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: This script is a config   ####
#### file, contains all the keys for      ####
#### IBM Cloud API.   Application will    ####
#### process these information & perform  ####
#### various analysis on IBM Watson cloud.####

import os
import platform as pl

class clsConfig(object):
    Curr_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    os_det = pl.system()
    if os_det == "Windows":
        sep = '\\'
        sep = '/'

    config = {
        'APP_ID': 1,
        'SERVICE_URL': "",
        'API_KEY': "Xxxxxxxxxxxxxkdkdfifd984djddkkdkdkdsSSdkdkdd",
        'API_TYPE': "application/json",
        'CACHE': "no-cache",
        'CON': "keep-alive",
        'ARCH_DIR': Curr_Path + sep + 'arch' + sep,
        'PROFILE_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'profile' + sep,
        'LOG_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'log' + sep,
        'REPORT_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'report',
        'SRC_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'Src_File' + sep,
        'APP_DESC_1': 'IBM Watson Language Understand!',
        'DEBUG_IND': 'N',
        'INIT_PATH': Curr_Path

Note that you will be placing your API_KEY & URL here, as shown in the configuration file.

2. (This is the main script, which will invoke the IBM Watson API based on the input from the user & return 0 if successful.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 04-Apr-2020              ####
#### Modified On 04-Apr-2020              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: Main scripts to invoke    ####
#### IBM Watson Language Understand API.  ####

import logging
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
import clsL as cl
import json
from ibm_watson import NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
from ibm_watson.natural_language_understanding_v1 import Features, EntitiesOptions, KeywordsOptions, SentimentOptions, CategoriesOptions, ConceptsOptions
from ibm_watson import ApiException

class clsIBMWatson:
    def __init__(self):
        self.api_key =  cf.config['API_KEY']
        self.service_url = cf.config['SERVICE_URL']

    def calculateExpressionFromUrl(self, inputUrl, inputVersion):
            api_key = self.api_key
            service_url = self.service_url
            print('-' * 60)
            print('Beginning of the IBM Watson for Input Url.')
            print('-' * 60)

            authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(api_key)

            # Authentication via service credentials provided in our config files
            service = NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1(version=inputVersion, authenticator=authenticator)

            response = service.analyze(

            print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))

            return 0

        except ApiException as ex:
            print('-' * 60)
            print("Method failed for Url with status code " + str(ex.code) + ": " + ex.message)
            print('-' * 60)

            return 1

    def calculateExpressionFromText(self, inputText, inputVersion):
            api_key = self.api_key
            service_url = self.service_url
            print('-' * 60)
            print('Beginning of the IBM Watson for Input Url.')
            print('-' * 60)

            authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(api_key)

            # Authentication via service credentials provided in our config files
            service = NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1(version=inputVersion, authenticator=authenticator)

            response = service.analyze(

            print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))

            return 0

        except ApiException as ex:
            print('-' * 60)
            print("Method failed for Url with status code " + str(ex.code) + ": " + ex.message)
            print('-' * 60)

            return 1

Some of the key lines from the above snippet –

authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(api_key)

# Authentication via service credentials provided in our config files
service = NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1(version=inputVersion, authenticator=authenticator)

By providing the API Key & Url, the application is initiating the service for Watson.

response = service.analyze(

Based on your type of input, it will bring the features of entities, sentiment & concepts here. Apart from that, you can additionally check the following features as well – Keywords & Categories.

3. (This is the first calling script. Based on user choice, it will receive input either as Url or as the plain text & then analyze it.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 04-Apr-2020              ####
#### Modified On 04-Apr-2020              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: Main calling scripts.     ####

from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
import clsL as cl
import logging
import datetime
import clsIBMWatson as cw

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

# Lookup functions from
# Azure cloud SQL DB

var ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

def main():
        ret_1 = 0
        general_log_path = str(cf.config['LOG_PATH'])

        # Enabling Logging Info
        logging.basicConfig(filename=general_log_path + 'IBMWatson_NaturalLanguageAnalysis.log', level=logging.INFO)

        # Initiating Log Class
        l = cl.clsL()

        # Moving previous day log files to archive directory
        log_dir = cf.config['LOG_PATH']

        tmpR0 = "*" * 157
        tmpR9 = 'Start Time: ' + str(var)

        print("Log Directory::", log_dir)
        tmpR1 = 'Log Directory::' + log_dir

        print('Welcome to IBM Wantson Language Understanding Calling Program: ')
        print('-' * 60)
        print('Please Press 1 for Understand the language from Url.')
        print('Please Press 2 for Understand the language from your input-text.')
        input_choice = int(input('Please provide your choice:'))

        # Create the instance of the IBM Watson Class
        x2 = cw.clsIBMWatson()

        # Let's pass this to our map section
        if input_choice == 1:
            textUrl = str(input('Please provide the complete input url:'))
            ret_1 = x2.calculateExpressionFromUrl(textUrl, curr_ver)
        elif input_choice == 2:
            inputText = str(input('Please provide the input text:'))
            ret_1 = x2.calculateExpressionFromText(inputText, curr_ver)
            print('Invalid options!')

        if ret_1 == 0:
            print('Successful IBM Watson Language Understanding Generated!')
            print('Failed to generate IBM Watson Language Understanding!')

        print("-" * 60)

        print('Finding Analysis points..')
        print("*" * 157)'Finding Analysis points..')

        tmpR10 = 'End Time: ' + str(var)

    except ValueError as e:
        print("Invalid option!")"Invalid option!")

    except Exception as e:
        print("Top level Error: args:{0}, message{1}".format(e.args, e.message))

if __name__ == "__main__":

This script is pretty straight forward as it is first creating an instance of the main class & then based on the user input, it is calling the respective functions here.

As of now, IBM Watson can work on a list of languages, which are available here.

If you want to start from scratch, please refer to the following link.

Please find the screenshot of our application run –

Case 1 (With Url): 

21. Win_Run_1_Url
23. Win_Run_3_Url

Case 2 (With Plain text):

25. Win_Run_1_InputText
26. Win_Run_2_InputText
27. Win_Run_3_InputText

Now, Don’t forget to delete all the services from your IBM Cloud.

32. Delete Service

As you can see, from the service, you need to delete all the services one-by-one as shown in the figure.

So, we’ve done it.

To explore my photography, you can visit the following link.

I’ll be posting another new post in the coming days. Till then, Happy Avenging! 😀

Note: All the data posted here are representational data & available over the internet & for educational purpose only.

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