Combining the NoSQL(Cosmos DB) & traditional Azure RDBMS in Azure (Time stone solo from Python verse)

Hi Guys!

Today, our main objective is to extend our last post & blending two different kinds of data using Python.

Please refer the earlier post if you didn’t go through it – “Building Azure cosmos application.“.

What is the Objective?

In this post, our objective is to combine traditional RDBMS from the cloud with Azure’s NO SQL, which is, in this case, is Cosmos DB. And, try to forecast some kind of blended information, which can be aggregated further.

Examining Source Data.

No SQL Data from Cosmos:

Let’s check one more time the No SQL data created in our last post.


Total, we’ve created 6 records in our last post.

As you can see in red marked areas. From item, one can check the total number of records created. You can also filter out specific record using the Edit Filter blue color button highlighted with blue box & you need to provide the “WHERE CLAUSE” inside it.

Azure SQL DB:

Let’s create some data in Azure SQL DB.

But, before that, you need to create SQL DB in the Azure cloud. Here is the official Microsoft link to create DB in Azure. You can refer to it here.

I won’t discuss the detailed steps of creating DB here.

From Azure portal, it looks like –

Azure SQL DB Main Screen

Let’s see how the data looks like in Azure DB. For our case, we’ll be using the hrMaster DB.

Let’s create the table & some sample data aligned as per our cosmos data.

Azure SQL DB

We will join both the data based on subscriberId & then extract our required columns in our final output.


Good. Now, we’re ready for python scripts.

Python Scripts:

In this installment, we’ll be reusing the following python scripts, which is already discussed in my earlier post –


So, I’m not going to discuss these scripts.

Before we discuss our scripts, let’s look out the directory structures –


Here is the detailed directory structure between the Windows & MAC O/S.

1. (This script will create the split csv files or final merge file after the corresponding process. However, this can be used as usual verbose debug logging as well. Hence, the name comes into the picture.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 25-May-2019              ####
#### Updated On: 02-Jun-2019              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: This script is a config   ####
#### file, contains all the keys for      ####
#### azure cosmos db. Application will    ####
#### process these information & perform  ####
#### various CRUD operation on Cosmos DB. ####

import os
import platform as pl

class clsConfig(object):
    Curr_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    db_name = 'rnd-de01-usw2-vfa-cdb'
    db_link = 'dbs/' + db_name
    CONTAINER1 = "RealtimeEmail"
    CONTAINER2 = "RealtimeTwitterFeedback"
    CONTAINER3 = "RealtimeHR"

    os_det = pl.system()
    if os_det == "Windows":
        sep = '\\'
        sep = '/'

    config = {
        'SERVER': '',
        'DATABASE_1': 'SalesForceMaster',
        'DATABASE_2': 'hrMaster',
        'DATABASE_3': 'statMaster',
        'USERNAME': 'admin_poc_dev',
        'PASSWORD': 'xxxxx',
        'DRIVER': '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}',
        'ENV': 'pocdev-saty',
        'ENCRYPT_FLAG': "yes",
        'TRUST_FLAG': "no",
        'TIMEOUT_LIMIT': "30",
        'PROCSTAT': "'Y'",
        'APP_ID': 1,
        'EMAIL_SRC_JSON_FILE': Curr_Path + sep + 'src_file' + sep + 'srcEmail.json',
        'TWITTER_SRC_JSON_FILE': Curr_Path + sep + 'src_file' + sep + 'srcTwitter.json',
        'HR_SRC_JSON_FILE': Curr_Path + sep + 'src_file' + sep + 'srcHR.json',
        'COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT': '',
        'ARCH_DIR': Curr_Path + sep + 'arch' + sep,
        'COSMOSDB': db_name,
        'CONFIG_ORIG': 'Config_orig.csv',
        'ENCRYPT_CSV': 'Encrypt_Config.csv',
        'DECRYPT_CSV': 'Decrypt_Config.csv',
        'PROFILE_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'profile' + sep,
        'LOG_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'log' + sep,
        'REPORT_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'report',
        'APP_DESC_1': 'Feedback Communication',
        'DEBUG_IND': 'N',
        'INIT_PATH': Curr_Path,
        'SQL_QRY_1': "SELECT c.subscriberId, c.sender, c.orderNo, c.orderDate, c.items.orderQty  FROM RealtimeEmail c",
        'SQL_QRY_2': "SELECT c.twitterId, c.Twit, c.DateCreated, c.Country FROM RealtimeTwitterFeedback c WHERE c.twitterId=@CrVal",
        'DB_QRY': "SELECT * FROM c",
        'AZURE_SQL_1': "SELECT DISTINCT subscriberId, state, country, annualIncome, customerType FROM dbo.onboardCustomer",
        'database_link': db_link,
        'collection_link_1': db_link + '/colls/' + CONTAINER1,
        'collection_link_2': db_link + '/colls/' + CONTAINER2,
        'collection_link_3': db_link + '/colls/' + CONTAINER3,
        'options': {
            'offerThroughput': 1000,
            'enableCrossPartitionQuery': True,
            'maxItemCount': 2

Here, we’ve added a couple of more entries compared to the last time, which points the detailed configuration for Azure SQL DB.

‘SERVER’: ‘’,
‘DATABASE_1’: ‘SalesForceMaster’,
‘DATABASE_2’: ‘hrMaster’,
‘DATABASE_3’: ‘statMaster’,
‘USERNAME’: ‘admin_poc_dev’,
‘PASSWORD’: ‘xxxxx’,
‘DRIVER’: ‘{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}’,
‘ENV’: ‘pocdev-saty’,
‘ENCRYPT_FLAG’: “yes”,
‘TRUST_FLAG’: “no”,
‘PROCSTAT’: “‘Y'”, 

Here, you need to supply your DB credentials accordingly.

2. (This script will look into the Azure SQL DB & fetch data from the traditional RDBMS of Azure environment.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                      ####
#### Written On: 25-May-2019                     ####
####                                             ####
#### Objective: This script will check &         ####
#### test the connection with the Azure          ####
#### SQL DB & it will fetch all the records      ####
#### name resied under the same DB of a table.   ####

import pyodbc as py
import pandas as p
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cdc

class clsDBLookup(object):
    def __init__(self, lkpTableName = ''):
        self.server = cdc.config['SERVER']
        self.database = cdc.config['DATABASE_1']
        self.database1 = cdc.config['DATABASE_2']
        self.database2 = cdc.config['DATABASE_3']
        self.username = cdc.config['USERNAME']
        self.password = cdc.config['PASSWORD']
        self.driver = cdc.config['DRIVER']
        self.env = cdc.config['ENV']
        self.encrypt_flg = cdc.config['ENCRYPT_FLAG']
        self.trust_flg = cdc.config['TRUST_FLAG']
        self.timeout_limit = cdc.config['TIMEOUT_LIMIT']
        self.lkpTableName = cdc.config['CONFIG_TABLE']
        self.ProcStat = cdc.config['PROCSTAT']
        self.AppId = cdc.config['APP_ID']

    def LookUpData(self):
            # Assigning all the required values
            server = self.server
            database = self.database1
            username = self.username
            password = self.password
            driver = self.driver
            env = self.env
            encrypt_flg = self.encrypt_flg
            trust_flg = self.trust_flg
            timout_limit = self.timeout_limit
            lkpTableName = self.lkpTableName
            ProcStat = self.ProcStat
            AppId = self.AppId

            # Creating secure connection
            str_conn = 'Driver=' + driver + ';Server=tcp:' + server + ',1433;' \
                       'Database=' + database + ';Uid=' + username + '@' + env + ';' \
                       'Pwd=' + password + ';Encrypt=' + encrypt_flg + ';' \
                       'TrustServerCertificate=' + trust_flg + ';Connection Timeout=' + timout_limit + ';'

            db_con_azure = py.connect(str_conn)

            query = " SELECT [ruleId] as ruleId, [ruleName] as ruleName, [ruleSQL] as ruleSQL, " \
                    " [ruleFlag] as ruleFlag, [appId] as appId, [DBType] as DBType, " \
                    " [DBName] as DBName FROM [dbo][" + lkpTableName + "] WHERE ruleFLag = " + ProcStat + " " \
                    " and appId = " + AppId + " ORDER BY ruleId "

            df = p.read_sql(query, db_con_azure)

            # Closing the connection

            return df
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            df = p.DataFrame()

            return df

    def azure_sqldb_read(self, sql):
            # Assigning all the required values
            server = self.server
            database = self.database1
            username = self.username
            password = self.password
            driver = self.driver
            env = self.env
            encrypt_flg = self.encrypt_flg
            trust_flg = self.trust_flg
            timout_limit = self.timeout_limit
            lkpTableName = self.lkpTableName
            ProcStat = self.ProcStat
            AppId = self.AppId

            # Creating secure connection
            str_conn = 'Driver=' + driver + ';Server=tcp:' + server + ',1433;' \
                       'Database=' + database + ';Uid=' + username + '@' + env + ';' \
                       'Pwd=' + password + ';Encrypt=' + encrypt_flg + ';' \
                       'TrustServerCertificate=' + trust_flg + ';Connection Timeout=' + timout_limit + ';'

            # print("Connection Details:: ", str_conn)
            db_con_azure = py.connect(str_conn)

            query = sql

            df = p.read_sql(query, db_con_azure)

            # Closing the connection

            return df
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            df = p.DataFrame()

            return df

Major lines to discuss –

azure_sqldb_read(self, sql):

Getting the source SQL supplied from the configuration script.

db_con_azure = py.connect(str_conn)

query = sql

df = p.read_sql(query, db_con_azure)

After creating a successful connection, our application will read the SQL & fetch the data & store that into a pandas dataframe and return the output to the primary calling function.

3. (This is the main script, which will call all the methods to blend the data. Hence, the name comes into the picture.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 25-May-2019              ####
#### Modified On 02-Jun-2019              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: Main calling scripts.     ####

import clsColMgmt as cm
import clsCosmosDBDet as cmdb
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
import pandas as p
import clsLog as cl
import logging
import datetime
import json
import clsDBLookup as dbcon

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

def getDate(row):
        d1 = row['orderDate']
        d1_str = str(d1)
        d1_dt_part, sec = d1_str.split('.')
        dt_part1 = d1_dt_part.replace('T', ' ')

        return dt_part1
    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        dt_part1 = ''

        return dt_part1

# Lookup functions from
# Azure cloud SQL DB

var ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

def main():
        df_ret = p.DataFrame()
        df_ret_2 = p.DataFrame()
        df_ret_2_Mod = p.DataFrame()

        debug_ind = 'Y'

        # Initiating Log Class
        l = cl.clsLog()

        general_log_path = str(cf.config['LOG_PATH'])

        # Enabling Logging Info
        logging.basicConfig(filename=general_log_path + 'consolidated.log', level=logging.INFO)

        # Moving previous day log files to archive directory
        arch_dir = cf.config['ARCH_DIR']
        log_dir = cf.config['LOG_PATH']

        print("Archive Directory:: ", arch_dir)
        print("Log Directory::", log_dir)

        print("*" * 157)
        print("Testing COSMOS DB Connection!")
        print("*" * 157)

        # Checking Cosmos DB Azure
        y = cmdb.clsCosmosDBDet()
        ret_val = y.test_db_con()

        if ret_val == 0:
            print("Cosmos DB Connection Successful!")
            print("*" * 157)
            print("Cosmos DB Connection Failure!")
            print("*" * 157)
            raise Exception

        print("*" * 157)

        # Accessing from Azure SQL DB
        x1 = dbcon.clsDBLookup()
        act_df = x1.azure_sqldb_read(cf.config['AZURE_SQL_1'])

        print("Azure SQL DB::")

        print("-" * 157)

        # Calling the function 1

        # Fetching First collection data to dataframe
        print("Fethcing Comos Collection Data!")

        sql_qry_1 = cf.config['SQL_QRY_1']
        msg = "Documents generatd based on unique key"
        collection_flg = 1

        x = cm.clsColMgmt()
        df_ret = x.fetch_data(sql_qry_1, msg, collection_flg)

        l.logr('1.EmailFeedback_' + var + '.csv', debug_ind, df_ret, 'log')
        print('RealtimeEmail Data::')

        # Checking execution status
        ret_val = int(df_ret.shape[0])

        if ret_val == 0:
            print("Cosmos DB Hans't returned any rows. Please check your queries!")
            print("*" * 157)
            print("Successfully fetched!")
            print("*" * 157)

        # Calling the 2nd Collection

        # Fetching First collection data to dataframe
        print("Fethcing Cosmos Collection Data!")

        # Query using parameters
        sql_qry_2 = cf.config['SQL_QRY_2']
        msg_2 = "Documents generated based on RealtimeTwitterFeedback feed!"
        collection_flg = 2

        val = 'crazyGo'
        param_det = [{"name": "@CrVal", "value": val}]
        add_param = 2

        x1 = cm.clsColMgmt()
        df_ret_2 = x1.fetch_data(sql_qry_2, msg_2, collection_flg, add_param, param_det)

        l.logr('2.TwitterFeedback_' + var + '.csv', debug_ind, df_ret, 'log')
        print('Realtime Twitter Data:: ')

        # Checking execution status
        ret_val_2 = int(df_ret_2.shape[0])

        if ret_val_2 == 0:
            print("Cosmos DB hasn't returned any rows. Please check your queries!")
            print("*" * 157)
            print("Successfuly row feteched!")
            print("*" * 157)

        # Merging NoSQL Data (Cosmos DB) with Relational DB (Azure SQL DB)
        df_Fin_temp = p.merge(df_ret, act_df, on='subscriberId', how='inner')

        df_fin = df_Fin_temp[['orderDate', 'orderNo', 'sender', 'state', 'country', 'customerType']]

        print("Initial Combined Data (From Cosmos & Azure SQL DB) :: ")

        l.logr('3.InitCombine_' + var + '.csv', debug_ind, df_fin, 'log')

        # Transforming the orderDate as per standard format
        df_fin['orderDateM'] = df_fin.apply(lambda row: getDate(row), axis=1)

        # Dropping the old column & renaming the new column to old column
        df_fin.drop(columns=['orderDate'], inplace=True)
        df_fin.rename(columns={'orderDateM': 'orderDate'}, inplace=True)

        print("*" * 157)
        print("Final Combined & Transformed result:: ")

        l.logr('4.Final_Combine_' + var + '.csv', debug_ind, df_fin, 'log')
        print("*" * 157)

    except ValueError:
        print("No relevant data to proceed!")

    except Exception as e:
        print("Top level Error: args:{0}, message{1}".format(e.args, e.message))

if __name__ == "__main__":

The key lines from this script –

def getDate(row):
        d1 = row['orderDate']
        d1_str = str(d1)
        d1_dt_part, sec = d1_str.split('.')
        dt_part1 = d1_dt_part.replace('T', ' ')

        return dt_part1
    except Exception as e:
        x = str(e)
        dt_part1 = ''

        return dt_part1

This function converts NoSQL date data type more familiar format.

NoSQL Date:
Transformed Date:
Transformed Date
# Accessing from Azure SQL DB
x1 = dbcon.clsDBLookup()
act_df = x1.azure_sqldb_read(cf.config['AZURE_SQL_1'])

print("Azure SQL DB::")

Above lines are calling the Azure SQL DB method to retrieve the RDBMS data into our dataframe.

# Merging NoSQL Data (Cosmos DB) with Relational DB (Azure SQL DB)
df_Fin_temp = p.merge(df_ret, act_df, on='subscriberId', how='inner')

df_fin = df_Fin_temp[['orderDate', 'orderNo', 'sender', 'state', 'country', 'customerType']]

In these above lines, we’re joining the data retrieved from two different kinds of the database to prepare our initial combined dataframe. Also, we’ve picked only the desired column, which will be useful for us.

# Transforming the orderDate as per standard format
df_fin['orderDateM'] = df_fin.apply(lambda row: getDate(row), axis=1)

# Dropping the old column & renaming the new column to old column
df_fin.drop(columns=['orderDate'], inplace=True)
df_fin.rename(columns={'orderDateM': 'orderDate'}, inplace=True)

In the above lines, we’re transforming our date field, as shown above in one of our previous images by calling the getDate method.

Let’s see the directory structure of our program –


Let’s see how it looks when it runs –





So, finally, we’ve successfully blended the data & make more meaningful data projection.

Following python packages are required to run this application –

pip install azure

pip install azure-cosmos

pip install pandas

pip install requests

pip install pyodbc

This application tested on Python3.7.1 & Python3.7.2 as well. As per Microsoft, their official supported version is Python3.5.

I hope you’ll like this effort.

Wait for the next installment. Till then, Happy Avenging. 😀

[Note: All the sample data are available/prepared in the public domain for research & study.]

Building Azure Cosmos solution using Python, Pandas ( A crossover of space stone, a reality stone, soul stone & time stone)

Hi Guys,

Here is the latest installment from the Python verse. For the first time, we’ll be dealing with Python with Azure cloud along with the help from Pandas & json.

Why post on this topic?

I always try to post something based on some kind of used cases, which might be useful in real-life scenarios. And, on top of that, I really don’t find significant posts on Azure dealing with Python. So, thought of sharing some first used cases, which will encourage others to join this club & used more python based application in the Azure platform.

First, let us check the complexity of today’s post & our objective.

What is the objective?

Today, our objective is to load a couple of json payload & stored them into multiple Cosmos Containers & finally fetch the data from the Cosmos DB & store the output into our log files apart from printing the same over the terminal screen.

Before we start discussing our post, let us explain some basic terminology of Azure Cosmos DB. So, that, next time whenever we refer them, it will be easier for you to understand those terminologies.

Learning basic azure terminology.

Since this is an unstructured DB, all the data will be stored in this following fashion –

Azure Cosmos DB -> Container -> Items

Let’s simplify this in words. So, each azure DB may have multiple containers, which you can compare with the table of any conventional RDBMS. And, under containers, you will have multiple items, which represents rows of an RDBMS table. The only difference is in each item you might have a different number of elements, which is equivalent to the columns in traditional RDBMS tables. The traditional table always has a fixed number of columns.

Input Payload:

Let’s review three different payloads, which we’ll be loading into three separate containers.


As you can see in the items, first sub-row has 3 elements, whereas the second one has 4 components. Traditional RDBMS, the table will always have the same number of columns.


So, from the above three sample payload, our application will try to put user’s feedback & consolidate at a single place for better product forecasts.

Azure Portal:

Let’s look into the Azure portal & we’ll be identifying a couple of crucial information, which will require in python scripts for authentication. But, before that, I’ll show – how to get those details in steps –


As shown highlighted in Red, click the Azure Cosmos DB. You will find the following screen –


If you click this, you will find all the collections/containers that are part of the same DB as follows –


After, that we’ll be trying to extract the COSMOS Key & the Endpoint/URI from the portal. Without this, python application won’t be able to interact with the Azure portal. This is sensitive information. So, I’ll be providing some dummy details here just to show how to extract it. Never share these details with anyone outside of your project or group.


Good. Now, we’re ready for python scripts.

Python Scripts:

In this installment, we’ll be reusing the following python scripts, which is already discussed in my earlier post –


So, I’m not going to discuss these scripts.

Before we discuss our scripts, let’s look out the directory structures –


1. (This script will create the split csv files or final merge file after the corresponding process. However, this can be used as usual verbose debug logging as well. Hence, the name comes into the picture.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 25-May-2019              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: This script is a config   ####
#### file, contains all the keys for      ####
#### azure cosmos db. Application will    ####
#### process these information & perform  ####
#### various CRUD operation on Cosmos DB. ####
import os
import platform as pl

class clsConfig(object):
    Curr_Path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    db_name = 'rnd-de01-usw2-vfa-cdb'
    db_link = 'dbs/' + db_name
    CONTAINER1 = "RealtimeEmail"
    CONTAINER2 = "RealtimeTwitterFeedback"
    CONTAINER3 = "RealtimeHR"

    os_det = pl.system()
    if os_det == "Windows":
        sep = '\\'
        sep = '/'

    config = {
        'EMAIL_SRC_JSON_FILE': Curr_Path + sep + 'src_file' + sep + 'srcEmail.json',
        'TWITTER_SRC_JSON_FILE': Curr_Path + sep + 'src_file' + sep + 'srcTwitter.json',
        'HR_SRC_JSON_FILE': Curr_Path + sep + 'src_file' + sep + 'srcHR.json',
        'COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT': '',
        'ARCH_DIR': Curr_Path + sep + 'arch' + sep,
        'COSMOSDB': db_name,
        'CONFIG_ORIG': 'Config_orig.csv',
        'ENCRYPT_CSV': 'Encrypt_Config.csv',
        'DECRYPT_CSV': 'Decrypt_Config.csv',
        'PROFILE_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'profile' + sep,
        'LOG_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'log' + sep,
        'REPORT_PATH': Curr_Path + sep + 'report',
        'APP_DESC_1': 'Feedback Communication',
        'DEBUG_IND': 'N',
        'INIT_PATH': Curr_Path,
        'SQL_QRY_1': "SELECT c.subscriberId, c.sender, c.orderNo, c.orderDate, c.items.orderQty  FROM RealtimeEmail c",
        'SQL_QRY_2': "SELECT c.twitterId, c.Twit, c.DateCreated, c.Country FROM RealtimeTwitterFeedback c WHERE c.twitterId=@CrVal",
        'DB_QRY': "SELECT * FROM c",
        'database_link': db_link,
        'collection_link_1': db_link + '/colls/' + CONTAINER1,
        'collection_link_2': db_link + '/colls/' + CONTAINER2,
        'collection_link_3': db_link + '/colls/' + CONTAINER3,
        'options': {
            'offerThroughput': 1000,
            'enableCrossPartitionQuery': True,
            'maxItemCount': 2

2. clsCosmosDBDet (This script will test the necessary connection with the Azure cosmos DB from the python application. And, if it is successful, then it will fetch all the collection/containers details, which resided under the same DB. Hence, the name comes into the picture.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 25-May-2019              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: This script will check &  ####
#### test the connection with the Cosmos  ####
#### & it will fetch all the collection   ####
#### name resied under the same DB.       ####

import azure.cosmos.cosmos_client as cosmos_client
import azure.cosmos.errors as errors

from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf

class IDisposable(cosmos_client.CosmosClient):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.obj

    def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_val, trace):
        self = None

class clsCosmosDBDet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.endpoint = cf.config['COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT']
        self.primarykey = cf.config['COSMOS_PRIMARYKEY']
        self.db = cf.config['COSMOSDB']
        self.cont_1 = cf.config['COSMOS_CONTAINER1']
        self.cont_2 = cf.config['COSMOS_CONTAINER2']
        self.cont_3 = cf.config['COSMOS_CONTAINER3']
        self.database_link = cf.config['database_link']
        self.collection_link_1 = cf.config['collection_link_1']
        self.collection_link_2 = cf.config['collection_link_2']
        self.collection_link_3 = cf.config['collection_link_3']
        self.options = cf.config['options']
        self.db_qry = cf.config['DB_QRY']
        self.collection_qry = cf.config['COLLECTION_QRY']

    def list_Containers(self, client):
            database_link = self.database_link
            collection_qry = self.collection_qry
            print("1. Query for collection!")

            collections = list(client.QueryContainers(database_link, {"query": collection_qry}))

            if not collections:

            for collection in collections:


        except errors.HTTPFailure as e:
            if e.status_code == 404:
                print("*" * 157)
                print('A collection with id \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(id))
                print("*" * 157)
                raise errors.HTTPFailure(e.status_code)

    def test_db_con(self):
        endpoint = self.endpoint
        primarykey = self.primarykey
        options_1 = self.options
        db_qry = self.db_qry

        with IDisposable(cosmos_client.CosmosClient(url_connection=endpoint, auth={'masterKey': primarykey})) as client:
                    options = {}
                    query = {"query": db_qry}
                    options = options_1

                    print("-" * 157)
                    print('Options:: ', options)
                    print("Database details:: ")

                    result_iterable = client.QueryDatabases(query, options)

                    for item in iter(result_iterable):

                    print("-" * 157)

                except errors.HTTPFailure as e:
                    if e.status_code == 409:
                        raise errors.HTTPFailure(e.status_code)


                return 0

            except errors.HTTPFailure as e:
                print("Application has caught an error. {0}".format(e.message))

                return 1

                print("Application successfully completed!")

Key lines from the above scripts are –

with IDisposable(cosmos_client.CosmosClient(url_connection=endpoint, auth={'masterKey': primarykey})) as client:

In this step, the python application is building the connection object.

# Refer the entry in our config file
self.db_qry = cf.config['DB_QRY']
query = {"query": db_qry}
options = options_1
result_iterable = client.QueryDatabases(query, options)

Based on the supplied value from our configuration python script, this will extract the cosmos DB information.


This is a function that will identify all the collection under this DB.

def list_Containers(self, client):
collections = list(client.QueryContainers(database_link, {"query": collection_qry}))

if not collections:

for collection in collections:

In these above lines, our application will actually fetch the containers that are associated with this DB.

3. (This script will create the split csv files or final merge file after the corresponding process. However, this can be used as usual verbose debug logging as well. Hence, the name comes into the picture.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE                 ####
#### Written On: 25-May-2019                ####
####                                        ####
#### Objective: This scripts has multiple   ####
#### features. You can create new items     ####
#### in azure cosmos db. Apart from that    ####
#### you can retrieve data from Cosmos just ####
#### for viewing purpose. You can display   ####
#### data based on specific filters or the  ####
#### entire dataset. Hence, three different ####
#### methods provided here to support this. ####

import azure.cosmos.cosmos_client as cosmos_client
import azure.cosmos.errors as errors
import pandas as p
import json

from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf

class IDisposable(cosmos_client.CosmosClient):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.obj

    def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_val, trace):
        self = None

class clsColMgmt:
    def __init__(self):
        self.endpoint = cf.config['COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT']
        self.primarykey = cf.config['COSMOS_PRIMARYKEY']
        self.db = cf.config['COSMOSDB']
        self.cont_1 = cf.config['COSMOS_CONTAINER1']
        self.cont_2 = cf.config['COSMOS_CONTAINER2']
        self.cont_3 = cf.config['COSMOS_CONTAINER3']
        self.database_link = cf.config['database_link']
        self.collection_link_1 = cf.config['collection_link_1']
        self.collection_link_2 = cf.config['collection_link_2']
        self.collection_link_3 = cf.config['collection_link_3']
        self.options = cf.config['options']
        self.db_qry = cf.config['DB_QRY']
        self.collection_qry = cf.config['COLLECTION_QRY']

    # Creating cosmos items in container
    def CreateDocuments(self, inputJson, collection_flg = 1):
            # Declaring variable
            endpoint = self.endpoint
            primarykey = self.primarykey

            print('Creating Documents')

            with IDisposable(cosmos_client.CosmosClient(url_connection=endpoint, auth={'masterKey': primarykey})) as client:
                    if collection_flg == 1:
                        collection_link = self.collection_link_1
                    elif collection_flg == 2:
                        collection_link = self.collection_link_2
                        collection_link = self.collection_link_3

                    container = client.ReadContainer(collection_link)

                    # Create a SalesOrder object. This object has nested properties and various types including numbers, DateTimes and strings.
                    # This can be saved as JSON as is without converting into rows/columns.
                    print('Input Json:: ', str(inputJson))
                    nSon = json.dumps(inputJson)
                    json_rec = json.loads(nSon)

                    client.CreateItem(container['_self'], json_rec)

                except errors.HTTPFailure as e:
                    print("Application has caught an error. {0}".format(e.status_code))

                    print("Application successfully completed!")

            return 0
        except Exception as e:
            x = str(e)
            return 1

    def CosmosDBCustomQuery_PandasCSVWithParam(self, client, collection_link, query_with_optional_parameters, message="Documents found by query: ", options_sql = {}):
            # Reading data by SQL & convert it ot Pandas Dataframe
            results = list(client.QueryItems(collection_link, query_with_optional_parameters, options_sql))
            cnt = 0

            dfSrc = p.DataFrame()
            dfRes = p.DataFrame()
            dfSrc2 = p.DataFrame()
            json_data = ''

            for doc in results:
                cnt += 1

            dfSrc =
            dfSrc.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])
            dfRes = dfSrc

            print("Total records fetched: ", cnt)
            print("*" * 157)

            return dfRes
        except errors.HTTPFailure as e:
            Df_Fin = p.DataFrame()
            if e.status_code == 404:
                print("*" *157)
                print("Document doesn't exists")
                print("*" *157)
                return Df_Fin
            elif e.status_code == 400:
                print("*" * 157)
                print("Bad request exception occuered: ", e)
                print("*" *157)
                return Df_Fin
                return Df_Fin

    def CosmosDBCustomQuery_PandasCSV(self, client, collection_link, query_with_optional_parameters, message="Documents found by query: ", options_sql = {}):
            # Reading data by SQL & convert it ot Pandas Dataframe
            results = list(client.QueryItems(collection_link, query_with_optional_parameters, options_sql))
            cnt = 0

            dfSrc = p.DataFrame()
            dfRes = p.DataFrame()
            dfSrc2 = p.DataFrame()
            json_data = ''

            for doc in results:
                cnt += 1

            dfSrc =
            dfSrc.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])
            dfRes = dfSrc

            print("Total records fetched: ", cnt)
            print("*" * 157)

            return dfRes
        except errors.HTTPFailure as e:
            Df_Fin = p.DataFrame()
            if e.status_code == 404:
                print("*" *157)
                print("Document doesn't exists")
                print("*" *157)
                return Df_Fin
            elif e.status_code == 400:
                print("*" * 157)
                print("Bad request exception occuered: ", e)
                print("*" *157)
                return Df_Fin
                return Df_Fin

    def fetch_data(self, sql_qry, msg="", collection_flg = 1, additional_params = 1, param_det=[]):
        endpoint = self.endpoint
        primarykey = self.primarykey
        options_1 = self.options

        with IDisposable(cosmos_client.CosmosClient(url_connection=endpoint, auth={'masterKey': primarykey})) as client:
                if collection_flg == 1:
                    collection_link = self.collection_link_1
                elif collection_flg == 2:
                    collection_link = self.collection_link_2
                    collection_link = self.collection_link_3

                print("Additional parameters: ", additional_params)

                message = msg
                options = options_1

                if additional_params == 1:
                    query = {"query": sql_qry}
                    df_Fin = self.CosmosDBCustomQuery_PandasCSV(client, collection_link, query, message, options)
                    query = {"query": sql_qry, "parameters": param_det}
                    df_Fin = self.CosmosDBCustomQuery_PandasCSVWithParam(client, collection_link, query, message, options)

                return df_Fin
            except errors.HTTPFailure as e:
                print("Application has caught an error. {0}".format(e.message))

                print("Application successfully completed!")

Key lines from the above script –

def CosmosDBCustomQuery_PandasCSV(self, client, collection_link, query_with_optional_parameters, message="Documents found by query: ", options_sql = {}):

This method is generic. It will fetch all the records of a cosmos container.

results = list(client.QueryItems(collection_link, query_with_optional_parameters, options_sql))
for doc in results:
cnt += 1

dfSrc =
dfSrc.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])
dfRes = dfSrc

In this step, the application fetching the data in the form of json & then serialize them & flatten them & finally stored the result into pandas dataframe for return output. Function –


– Is the same as the previous function. The only thing it can process parameters to filter out the data.

def fetch_data(self, sql_qry, msg="", collection_flg = 1, additional_params = 1, param_det=[]):

This is the primary calling function. Let us find out the key lines –

if collection_flg == 1:
    collection_link = self.collection_link_1
elif collection_flg == 2:
    collection_link = self.collection_link_2
    collection_link = self.collection_link_3

Based on the supplied collection_flag from the main scripts, our application is identifying the collection where we need to process/load our data.

if additional_params == 1:
    query = {"query": sql_qry}
    df_Fin = self.CosmosDBCustomQuery_PandasCSV(client, collection_link, query, message, options)
    query = {"query": sql_qry, "parameters": param_det}
    df_Fin = self.CosmosDBCustomQuery_PandasCSVWithParam(client, collection_link, query, message, options)

Based on the supplied additiona_params value, python application process, the filter queries & based on that it will invoke the function.

def CreateDocuments(self, inputJson, collection_flg = 1):

This is the primary collection for creating items/rows.

if collection_flg == 1:
    collection_link = self.collection_link_1
elif collection_flg == 2:
    collection_link = self.collection_link_2
    collection_link = self.collection_link_3

container = client.ReadContainer(collection_link)

Based on the collection, our application will points to a specific container & create a connection between python & itself.

nSon = json.dumps(inputJson)
json_rec = json.loads(nSon)

client.CreateItem(container['_self'], json_rec)

Once, you’ll receive the input payload. The application will convert it to valid JSON payload & then send it to create item method to insert records.

4. (This script is the main calling function. Hence, the name comes into the picture.)

#### Written By: SATYAKI DE               ####
#### Written On: 25-May-2019              ####
####                                      ####
#### Objective: Main calling scripts.     ####

import clsColMgmt as cm
import clsCosmosDBDet as cmdb
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
import pandas as p
import clsL as cl
import logging
import datetime
import json

# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):

import warnings
warnings.warn = warn

# Lookup functions from
# Azure cloud SQL DB

def main():
        df_ret = p.DataFrame()
        df_ret_2 = p.DataFrame()
        df_ret_2_Mod = p.DataFrame()

        debug_ind = 'Y'

        # Initiating Log Class
        l = cl.clsL()

        general_log_path = str(cf.config['LOG_PATH'])

        # Enabling Logging Info
        logging.basicConfig(filename=general_log_path + 'consolidated.log', level=logging.INFO)

        # Moving previous day log files to archive directory
        arch_dir = cf.config['ARCH_DIR']
        log_dir = cf.config['LOG_PATH']

        print("Archive Directory:: ", arch_dir)
        print("Log Directory::", log_dir)

        print("*" * 157)
        print("Testing COSMOS DB Connection!")
        print("*" * 157)

        # Checking Cosmos DB Azure
        y = cmdb.clsCosmosDBDet()
        ret_val = y.test_db_con()

        if ret_val == 0:
            print("Cosmos DB Connection Successful!")
            print("*" * 157)
            print("Cosmos DB Connection Failure!")
            print("*" * 157)
            raise Exception

        print("*" * 157)

        # Creating Data in Cosmos DB
        print('Fetching data from Json!')
        print('Creating data for Email..')
        print("-" * 157)

        emailFile = cf.config['EMAIL_SRC_JSON_FILE']
        flg = 1

        with open(emailFile) as json_file:
            dataEmail = json.load(json_file)

        # Creating documents
        a1 = cm.clsColMgmt()
        ret_cr_val1 = a1.CreateDocuments(dataEmail, flg)

        if ret_cr_val1 == 0:
            print('Successful data creation!')
            print('Failed create data!')

        print("-" * 157)

        print('Creating data for Twitter..')
        print("-" * 157)

        twitFile = cf.config['TWITTER_SRC_JSON_FILE']
        flg = 2

        with open(twitFile) as json_file:
            dataTwitter = json.load(json_file)

        # Creating documents
        a2 = cm.clsColMgmt()
        ret_cr_val2 = a2.CreateDocuments(dataTwitter, flg)

        if ret_cr_val2 == 0:
            print('Successful data creation!')
            print('Failed create data!')

        print("-" * 157)

        print('Creating data for HR..')
        print("-" * 157)

        hrFile = cf.config['HR_SRC_JSON_FILE']
        flg = 3

        with open(hrFile) as json_file:
            hrTwitter = json.load(json_file)

        # Creating documents
        a3 = cm.clsColMgmt()
        ret_cr_val3 = a3.CreateDocuments(hrTwitter, flg)

        if ret_cr_val3 == 0:
            print('Successful data creation!')
            print('Failed create data!')

        print("-" * 157)

        # Calling the function 1

        # Fetching First collection data to dataframe
        print("Fethcing Comos Collection Data!")

        sql_qry_1 = cf.config['SQL_QRY_1']
        msg = "Documents generatd based on unique key"
        collection_flg = 1

        x = cm.clsColMgmt()
        df_ret = x.fetch_data(sql_qry_1, msg, collection_flg)

        l.logr('1.EmailFeedback_' + var + '.csv', debug_ind, df_ret, 'log')
        print('RealtimeEmail Data::')

        # Checking execution status
        ret_val = int(df_ret.shape[0])

        if ret_val == 0:
            print("Cosmos DB Hans't returned any rows. Please check your queries!")
            print("*" * 157)
            print("Successfully fetched!")
            print("*" * 157)

        # Calling the 2nd Collection

        # Fetching First collection data to dataframe
        print("Fethcing Cosmos Collection Data!")

        # Query using parameters
        sql_qry_2 = cf.config['SQL_QRY_2']
        msg_2 = "Documents generated based on RealtimeTwitterFeedback feed!"
        collection_flg = 2

        val = 'crazyGo'
        param_det = [{"name": "@CrVal", "value": val}]
        add_param = 2

        x1 = cm.clsColMgmt()
        df_ret_2 = x1.fetch_data(sql_qry_2, msg_2, collection_flg, add_param, param_det)

        l.logr('2.TwitterFeedback_' + var + '.csv', debug_ind, df_ret, 'log')
        print('Realtime Twitter Data:: ')

        # Checking execution status
        ret_val_2 = int(df_ret_2.shape[0])

        if ret_val_2 == 0:
            print("Cosmos DB hasn't returned any rows. Please check your queries!")
            print("*" * 157)
            print("Successfuly row feteched!")
            print("*" * 157)

    except ValueError:
        print("No relevant data to proceed!")

    except Exception as e:
        print("Top level Error: args:{0}, message{1}".format(e.args, e.message))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Key lines from the above script –

with open(twitFile) as json_file:
    dataTwitter = json.load(json_file)

Reading a json file.

val = 'crazyGo'
param_det = [{"name": "@CrVal", "value": val}]
add_param = 2

Passing a specific parameter value to filter out the record, while fetching it from the Cosmos DB.

Now, let’s look at the runtime stats.





Let’s compare the output log directory –





Let’s verify the data from Cosmos DB.


Here, subscriberId starting with ‘M‘ denotes data inserted from the MAC environment. Other one inserted through Windows.

Let’s see one more example from Cosmos –


So, I guess – we’ve achieved our final goal here. Successfully, inserted data into Azure Cosmos DB from the python application & retrieve it successfully.

Following python packages are required in order to run this application –

pip install azure

pip install azure-cosmos

pip install pandas

pip install requests

This application tested on Python3.7.1 & Python3.7.2 as well. As per Microsoft, their official supported version is Python3.5.

I hope you’ll like this effort.

Wait for the next installment. Till then, Happy Avenging. 😀

[Note: All the sample data are available/prepared in the public domain for research & study.]